
Is site loading always this slow?

Hello. After a 12-month hiatus, Iโ€™ve just finished building my shop site on Square Online after three gruelling days. A significant amount of that time was spent just sitting and waiting for pages to refresh after every alteration. This is why I abandoned the site-build last year. I had assumed it would be a little better by now.


Now the siteโ€™s finished and I have this sinking feeling that all that work might be for nothing, because linking to the live site revealed that it takes just as long to load as to edit, both via desktop and mobile.


I find it hard to imagine that the modest amount of content Iโ€™ve uploaded is excessive.


I searched this community and found that slow load-speed is a common issue, with one thread extending back into early last year without an apparent resolution.


There is no way anyone will hang around on my site with such load delays. Is this as good as it will ever get with Square? Has anyone had success fixing this issue?

Message 1 of 8

@Mmiad68 If you don't mind posting a link to your website, I'd be happy to check the loading speed on my end. We're not seeing any widespread issues with Square Online loading times at the moment!

Square, Australia
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Message 2 of 8

Hi there, my site is loading extremely slowly too. I've done lots on my end to reduce image size and unused code but it's still getting a very low performance score. www.coastconservation.com.au 


Any advice? 

Message 3 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Anonymous,


It sounds like you've given the suggested troubleshooting steps in this thread a try already. While your site doesn't load slowly from my end, my next suggestion would be to reach out to our support team directly who for Ecomm support. You can call support on 1800 760 137 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Melbourne time), or contact us via online chat or email:


1. Sign in to your Square account

2. Head to our contact page https://squareup.com/help/au/en/contact

3. Click on any topic, then "I don't see my issue"

4. Click "Message us" or "Email us"


Or, if you see the new chatbot help flow, type "support" to bring up a list of contact methods.

Message 4 of 8
Beta Member

I've come here with this same issue


It's ok for me at times, however, i have videos from a customer who could not get my site or its images to load at all. 

I am running some tests now to see if there is anything i can do from my backend - pics etc that might be able to help the situation 


Have you had any success with this? 

Message 5 of 8

@Youngbondi I'd be happy to test from my end if you're ok with sharing a link to your website!


We're not seeing any specific issues with site loading times at the moment - generally it'll depend on the speed of your or your customer's internet connection, but I'd be happy to check how it is for me from my own connection and see if maybe there are some very large images causing loading issues.

Square, Australia
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Message 6 of 8

Hi, we are experiencing the same issues, we have cut down the size of our images but still no luck. Can you please check out www.ogssauce.com.au? 

Message 7 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi @MaddieJ thanks for touching base to let us know.

I've just tested your site on my computer and had a colleague test on theirs, we're both able to load the site as normal and didn't come across any delays.

It might be worth trying the below browser troubleshooting steps and testing to see if this improves the behaviour on your end:

1. Make sure your browser is up to date.
2. Clear the cache on your browser. Access the Help menu of your browser to locate step-by-step instructions.
3. Switch to a supported browser, such as the latest version of Google Chrome.

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 8 of 8