
Fix This Next: Best Quotes

Hey Square Readers,


What have you highlighted so far? We’d love for you to share your favorite lines and sections as you read Fix this Next by Mike Michalowicz.


What quotes have stood out to you? What are you highlighting or post-it note-ing?


Share any sentences or paragraphs that are meaningful and stand out to you, along with the page number. Or if you’re listening to the audiobook, post in a timestamp or a sound clip!


Here’s my first one:




“The biggest problem business owners have is that they don’t know what their biggest problem is.”

This quote really gets to the heart of this book. When you’re running a business, there’s a tendency to follow your gut and believe you know everything that’s going on in your business, and how to fix it. This book challenges that belief, and challenges business owners to take a deeper dive by using the author’s framework to discover the most pressing needs of the business. 

Jump over to the discussion thread where we dive deeper into the foundations of this book, and how to start using it in your business to identify your current Vital Need.

What are your favorite quotes? Share them in the comments.


View and Subscribe to all threads about this book.


Happy reading,


️ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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