
Feature Request - Track alcohol sales by the glass and deduct bottles or kegs from inventory

Feature Request - Track alcohol sales by the glass and deduct bottles or kegs from inventory

Is there anyway to decrement alcohol from the stock (per glass, per tasting pour)?

New to Square POS and it is going into a Cellar Door. How can I find the Parent/Child modifier to decrement 150ml pours from 750ml bottle and export for stocktake?


Is this still not available in Square? One of the biggest POS systems in the world, based on people selling items, and there's no way of deducting a child-item, glass of wine, from a parent-item, bottle of wine? 

I'm finding it too confusing to do a work around, and now looking at other POS systems. Can Vend do that? 



Hi @Waxflower,


At the moment the Square system does not offer the feature that you are referring to. Though you can sell items in unit measurements, and can create custom units like Glass. It does not have the function where you can have it deducted the child-item from the parent-item.


I can definitely see the value in this feature and I am happy to pass along this feedback to the product team. We can also use this thread to track other peoples interest in this feature as well.


The only workaround for the moment that we can suggest is using an inventory management system from a company that integrates with Square. A good example of that is Shopventory - https://squareup.com/au/en/app-marketplace/app/shopventory 

Thanks. But you guys have been saying that for 4 years, as confirmed by other posts here. I've also just learned that you can't sell a wine in house and a wine takeaway, and it comes from the one inventory. 

I've been on the phone to Vend today and they can do. I'm really amazed that I can't enter a bottle of wine, with a stock of 12, and then sell 2 variations, and they're linked to the initial stock. 



Hey @KJ26,


Thanks for reaching out!


The ability to deduct glass amounts and then have a bottle of wine or keg of beer removed from the inventory automatically currently a feature request - but I couldn't say if or when we'll be seeing it, however I will use this thread to track demand for the request in Australian moving forward.


At the moment there's unfortunately no effective way to measure this with Square.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help here! 

Thanks for the reply Seamus. It is a most needed feature and one that I expected to be there. Please add my request to everyone elses:)

Square Champion

This is a feature we would love to see (glasses and bottles). It's the only thing we miss from Vend. We used to be able to say a glass was 0.2 of a bottle, and so track inventory.


I would add that Vend is atrocious for hospitality businesses. We started using it 5 years ago and over time they quietly removed any reference to hospitality and solely focused on retail. No split bills was a kiler. Slow and buggy. In a busy venue we'd have a queue of tables waiting to pay and we'd be standing there watching a loading icon spin around endlessly. It became unusable for us. 

I agree It is a most needed feature and one that I also expected to be there. Please add my request to the others:

How do I set up a keg so I can sell 2 different size glasses 


Hey @Troycraig,


Thanks for reaching out!


I've moved your post to this thread - at the moment tracking kegs by the glass is not a feature available in Square point of sale apps.


We're tracking feedback for this one and I'll update this thread and tag anyone who has posted if I hear of any new features that will allow this. Sorry I can't be of more immediate help here!

We also really need this - how long is long enough for a feature to be implemented?