
Feature Request - Track alcohol sales by the glass and deduct bottles or kegs from inventory

Feature Request - Track alcohol sales by the glass and deduct bottles or kegs from inventory

Is there anyway to decrement alcohol from the stock (per glass, per tasting pour)?

New to Square POS and it is going into a Cellar Door. How can I find the Parent/Child modifier to decrement 150ml pours from 750ml bottle and export for stocktake?

Beta Member


Is there any update on this?  Really needed for restaurants...

Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @Phil5, thanks for touching base here!

While we continue to raise this popular feature request with our Product Team, we have not received any further updates.

As soon as we have more to share, we'll update this thread.

Beta Member

I have read this entire thread. Square crew, in theory, not when will, but in theory are Square software developers able to track wine bottle and glass variations?

The competition is growing guys.

Need a straight answer now.

Best wishes.


Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @LeVivant,

I can totally appreciate your frustration here and if I could, I would gladly provide you with a development timeline for each feature request we receive here on the Seller Community.

However, we're not privy to the internal development timelines of the Product Team. While you can track inventory by the glass using the Stock Conversion feature through Square for Retail, I don't currently have any news to share as to when this could be coming to Square for Restaurants.

The best I can do from my side is continue to advocate for these requests and collate and flag the feedback we receive via this platform directly to our Product Team. As always, we'll update any feature request thread once we receive confirmation from our team that this is moving ahead.

Until that time comes, it's completely up to you to make the best call for your business here. Currently, this is not something Square is able to offer.

Beta Member

I appreciate your inability to directly effect this solution, Laurie.
I sense that those profiting from Block, Inc companies/ in particular Square POS/For Restaurants, need to be made explicitly aware that sometimes more than 50% of revenue can be generated in a restaurant from wine sales. Consequently, it's not just 'a' segment of Square users they are missing out on it is in fact a high revenue segment of users that may need to go elsewhere without this, I can only imagine, very simple software update.
Given Square's mode of generating revenue for Block Inc, ie. percentage of turnover, one would think they cannot afford to miss out on wine sales from organized operators.

Does anyone know how to manage wine inventory by bottle and glass in square for restaurants?

Square Champion

Hi @OaksRanch 

Welcome to the community.

this question has come up a couple of time. Below is a similar questions as yours. I don't have the expertise to answer but I believe the answer in this thread should help you.

I hope this helps.



Square Community Moderator

Thanks for reaching out with your question, @OaksRanch, and for jumping in to provide some information, @dimo10!

I'm going to merge your post with an existing thread where we are already tracking this feature request with the Australian Seller Community. I know this has been a long-awaited request, so I have touched base with the Product Team earlier this week for an update.

They were able to share that there are currently plans in place to introduce the stock conversion crossover from Square for Retail to Square for Restaurants apps. This would allow sellers with customised units, such as 'Per case' or 'Per bottle' to sync these units to their Square for Restaurants apps. While I'm unable to share an exact timeframe for the implementation plan, I'm optimistic we'll receive further updates about this later in the year.

Square Champion

Thanks for that @Laurie_, I didn't realise this wasn't a Square for restaurant function.