
Robots. txt and tags

I published my site back in June and it's still not indexed with google.  I have managed to get the home paged indexed because I requested a crawl on google console, but it didn't pick up any other pages.


I used a chrome SEO extension that told me that my site is missing robots tag and X-robots tags

The Robots txt says that everything is disallowed meaning that google can't index or search it.

Customer support said this shouldn't have happened but have since said there's nothing wrong. I don't understand.  Can anyone help please?

the robot.txt looks like this:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /s/search

Disallow: /store/checkout

Disallow: /store/status Disallow: /product/*/*/leave-review


User-agent: Googlebot


User-agent: Googlebot-Image



Sitemap: https://nicola-porter-studio.square.site/sitemap.xml


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Hi @NicPort thanks for your post. 


I located your case and I can see that our Square Online team mentioned that Googlebots disallow list has no pages included meaning it's not blocked from anything. 


They suggested that you work with Google to get the site indexed. Using Google tools like Webmaster will help. They confirmed that your site is indexed and can be located in search results. 

However, if you are looking for a higher presence or to have your site reflect higher search queries related to site content (including the additional pages), that will require making some changes like upgrading to a custom domain (instead of a free subdomain) along with time, and traffic.


We don't provide SEO support here on the Community but I hope this information is helpful and I'm sorry if it wasn't relayed to you by our support team directly. Our Ultimate SEO Guide can also provide some helpful insights. 


Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Thanks for the reply.


It's not that I want higher rankings (Yet) what I wanted was my product pages to be indexed on google. I probably miss understood but I thought that allowing the site to be visible to search engines would eventually get the pages indexed. 


There is only one page of my site indexed - that's the one that I manually requested a crawl for.


So do I have to request a crawl for each page I would like indexing?

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My pages still are not indexed on google! 

There were a few weeks when I had 89 pages discovered, currently not indexed.

I got email a couple of days ago to say that the issue had been resolved....that solution was to forget my pages all together.

I have no clue what's wrong but honestly...the 1st of June when I first published and I still only have my home page indexed. It's a ridiculous amount of time!

This is what is putting me off from upgrading.  or is it because its a sub domain that its being ignored?

I'm very worried that if I buy a custom domain and pay the monthly fees that I still won't get listed....making my business even more of a loss!


screenshot from google consolescreenshot from google console

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google console.png

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