
Business name in Square Contracts

Hello, I am beginning to offer a second set of services under a second brand name. I have figured that I could add the second brand as a "location" in my Square account and that allows me to create receipts that are branded differently from my first/original brand name. 


My question is about contracts. Does the locations feature also allow me to create contracts that show the second location/brand rather than the parent business/brand?


For the sake of reference, I am including the link to an older post that addresses a similar issue, but not specifically the question I have asked here:

Solved: Two different business names on one square account... - The Seller Community


Thanks you Seller Community for your time and support. 

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @heartnsoulcare,


Thanks for being a member of the Community!


Yes, if you set up another location, the information you've set up will be reflected on your contract as long as you have selected the location  from your Square Contracts Dashboard before creating your contract.


You can learn more about getting started with Square Contracts here.


I hope this helps; please let me know if you have any further questions. 

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