
What is the best size for images on my website?

[Note: The title of this post has been edited by a moderator.]

When uploading pictures to gallery or slideshow or even picture element, are there any guidelines/ recommendations  on pixel sizes and file sizes and types if images? 

Of course there are general guidelines on preferably image types should be preferably JPEG rather than say PNG and file size should be optimal in KBs rather than MBs? Also aware that Weebly picture element allows to resize the picture dimensions once uploaded.

Any more definitive guidelines for all three factors related to an image -file memory size(KB) , physical dimensions ( pixels such as 1000 pixel X 750 pixels etc) and finally file type while uploading the file?  

A simple guidelines table mentioning these three factors for images for Header , half header, 3 column picture gallery on home page, an image in a blog post etc will be helpful to upload optimum size images.

Thank you all

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Generally speaking, stick to JPG and PNG files that are 72 DPI and no more than 1000 pixels on their longest side.  This should get you the best results when using Image, Gallery, and Slideshow elements or sections. For header and section background images, a size of 2000 pixels wide by 1000 pixels high will usually work okay for most sections. It depends a little on the content of the image itself and on how much content you plan on adding to the section.

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Best Answer

Generally speaking, stick to JPG and PNG files that are 72 DPI and no more than 1000 pixels on their longest side.  This should get you the best results when using Image, Gallery, and Slideshow elements or sections. For header and section background images, a size of 2000 pixels wide by 1000 pixels high will usually work okay for most sections. It depends a little on the content of the image itself and on how much content you plan on adding to the section.

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Thank you Adam. 

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Glad to help!

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Great tips about image sizes!

For our main Art Portfolio page, we're using the Weebly gallery element with Columns = 6 and Image Ratio = Square.

We started using 100x100 thumbnails and recently enlarged to 200x200 thumbnails which look much better, even on mobile devices.

Check it out at http://www.natemcclain.com/portfolio.html

Also, we finished Digitally Restoring all 100+ pieces of art in our Gallery from source images to provide larger Artwork sizes and take advantage of modern bandwidth thresholds.  All restored images fall within the 1000 pixel maximum guideline.

Here are some examples of larger size images for reference:

Hope these examples are helpful!

Here's a before/after view to give a perspective of what we restored


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Thanks for posting the before and after - you can really see the difference!

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No matter what size I make my images they dont seem to fit into the header area.

Can you advise on the ratio for small and large header options?


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A good general rule of thumb for header images is to use images that are around 2000 pixels wide and 1000 pixels high.

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2000px X 1000px  ?  

Is it the ratio that is important?  I have tried to resize images but the box just seems to zoom into the image no matter what size it is uploaded as.  

So far..... as a Weebly newbie ..... one of the main headaches is this image sizing issue.  I get the feeling Weebly is designed by engineers who have a tendency to not actually empathise or understand the user aspect of things.  Such is the case with pretty much most engineers.  Making things very obvious as well as putting a table of optimal image sizes would be helpful.  

The whole point of Weebly is to enable non-engineers to put together website easily.  

There's also no updates on what Weebly is actually doing about various issue that people have.  Usually its just a cryptic catch-all phrase that ecompasses "It's under review" .

A pity about this as it leaves things open for the likes of Wix etc.


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What is your domain name and what page are you seeing the zoom? Thanks! Smiley Happy

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I'm a weebly user of just 3 days and a non-html builder. Love the format but fully agree with this post. Getting image sizes to be uniform across the same page or even the header done properly is a bit problematic.

Perhaps there could be an 'advanced' setting for this?

I doubt you'll change it up due to two comments but I do feel this could be super useful. Even the ability to specify the pixels size. At the moment I have shift + click to drag, so it's not as accurate as it could be.

If anyone has any tips with regards to Header Image Sizes that would be amazing. Can't seem to get them uniform across different pages. Cheers

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It's a little tricky getting a header image to display in different ways on different screen sizes. If you make a separate post about that I can try and help, @elseven.

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1- Adam, do you see any chance to automate image resolution, i.e. for Weebly to automatically convert the 1MB plus pictures on our iphones to just 10% (100kB plus) in the process of uploading ?

2- Adam could Weebly create a function that lets us DRAFT BLOGS OFF LINE, i.e. at least prepare a post with one picture and some text.

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Hi @Freddy

Can you clarify what you mean by drafting blogs offline?  Never mind, I see your other post. My apologies.

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Was there any response to Freddy's question about auto reduction in size? 

One of my sites is for photography and I'm just learning now about the importance of size in regards to SEO (internal giant Uh oh! as my photos are all too large). 

Would love to know if there's a way to reduce size of all the images on my site without having to remove and reload them in a smaller size. 


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I believe he was asking if the images would auto reduce in size if viewed on mobile. This is a good question, and I'm assuming they do. The reason for this being that the images definitely do not show up as "full size" in mobile. I'll confirm with Adam as soon as possible, though. Are you asking the same thing or are you wanting to resize all of your images on your site in general? Technically you can resize the images, but it's going to be a lot of eye-balling to make sure they are equal sizes. In my opinion it is much easier to use an actual photo editing software to do the edits. If you do not have anything on your computer you can try pixlr.com

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Yes! I am having this image with my images being to large for SEO as well. We currently are running 2 different sites and the 2nd is fairly new so I want to be able to do it the right way this time. What are the correct dimensions for SEO or weebly? Is there an app or something that I could use to shrink my pictures to the correct height and width attributes? 

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Which images on your site are giving you trouble, @Bridget321? With the exception of background images I would keep most images no larger than 1000px by 1000px.

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That sounds a little large per Adam's suggestion. You are uploading photos to Boo Slider? Or the Weebly slideshow element? It may also help us if you post a link to your site. Thanks!

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help !! I'm trying to upload photos into a gallery format - my image has been shrunk to 300 pixels width and the photos are still being cropped - thanks for any replies

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Hi @Lspeake Can you post a link to the page, or can you let us know the site name and page name with the gallery element? 

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