
Orders and Partial Payments

I'm working on a patch for the Drupal Commerce Square Connect contrib module. The patch doesn't currently handle payments for additional order items properly. Here's the use case:


  1. An order is created, and payment is processed successfully.
  2. The order is edited, and a new item is added to the order.
  3. Payment is submitted for the item that's been added to the order.

The issue is that the list of processed order items in the Commerce module includes all items associated with the order, not just the added item. As a result, the order cost (for all items) and the amount paid (for only the new item) are inconsistent, and Square rejects the payment.


Is there a way to submit a partial or update payment to Square?

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Square Community Moderator

Hello there @SAH62


Welcome back to the Seller Community!


While I am no API expert I can tell you with confidence that payments in Square cannot be modified after they have been settled with the exemption of paper-settled tips on Square for Restaurants. 


Now in regard to getting an "official" response, I recommend visiting our Developer Forums.

Community Moderator, Square
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