
Customer email OR mobile? (Not both)


i’m doing pizza for pickup and on the final step, it asks the customer to put in both an email and a phone number.  I’d prefer to just do phone number - can I make the email address optional?  I find both over the top 🙂



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Square Champion

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Nope, you can make the phone number optional but not the email address. 

I get where you’re coming from as it does seem like over-kill, but they’re also providing their billing address even when collecting their order so there is quite a bit of personal info needed from their part anyway. 

It’s never come up as a problem over here - but I’ve been training my customers on it for a while 😂 

(baked potatoes were a washout BTW - total on one family helped! But guess that’s a good thing...)

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Square Champion

Best Answer

Nope, you can make the phone number optional but not the email address. 

I get where you’re coming from as it does seem like over-kill, but they’re also providing their billing address even when collecting their order so there is quite a bit of personal info needed from their part anyway. 

It’s never come up as a problem over here - but I’ve been training my customers on it for a while 😂 

(baked potatoes were a washout BTW - total on one family helped! But guess that’s a good thing...)

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My full time job is in data for a large organisation so maybe I’m over thinking it!  Always thinking ‘what value are they getting for giving me their data’ and ‘is this personal data being stored securely?’  I do everything to minimise how much we collect.  But if you can train people, great :). I’ll stop thinking about it!


glad there was only one family in need - and you learned that you can make a new menu item.  So wins all around!



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