
Ads.txt not found on Google Weebly

My website is https://parkshopguide.weebly.com I have added ads.txt for a long time, but my Adsense suddenly says that it is not found two months ago and asks me to fix it as soon as possible to avoid revenue loss. I have checked everything is okay. https://parkshopguide.weebly.com/ads.txt can be accessed in different browsers. I have tried to refresh and I don't know what goes wrongly. I have asked for Google for many times. They do not answer me.


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Square Community Moderator

Hi @herman_dhl - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community to bring this to our attention.

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to confirm with Google AdSense that we can access your account. Start by logging in to your AdSense account and make sure there aren’t any outstanding items to complete in order to fully set it up.

You can also locate your AdSense publisher ID and ensure that it matches the one we have on file for you. To see which AdSense account you have set up with us:

1. Go to Account settings in your site dashboard.
2. Select External Accounts.

Note: When you first set up Google AdSense on your site, it can take up to four days for Google to adjust to your site’s content and begin serving ads. If you’re using any ad-blocking software on your device, you’ll need to disable it in order to see the ads.

I hope this information is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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