
I took a payment with offline turned on what can I do to fix it

I took a payment on the 19th it was a manual payment and after I put the customers information in the card made the payment but checking settings two days later wondering why I hadn't received into my balance yet the off line was turned on what do I need to do to guys

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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @CCONST2014 - thanks for reaching out to us here on the Seller Community. So sorry for the trouble and confusion here!


To ensure that your Offline Mode payments are registered to our database, you will need to open your Square POS app while your device is connected to Wifi or a Cellular Network. Offline Mode will accept payments while a network connection is unavailable, and those payments will automatically upload once you reconnect.


We will note that uploading payment is a time sensitive issue. If you have trouble uploading payments, we recommend that you give our Support Team a call as soon as possible. 


I hope this info is helpful! Let me know if you have any clarifying questions. 

Community Moderator, Square
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