
Quantity option of Square Point of Sale

The title of this thread was updated from its original title: “Quantity option of Square Register”


Is there a way to move the quantity option when ordering an item on the square register higher on the mod screen? 


We are a coffee shop.  If someone comes up and orders three 16oz Vanilla Nonfat Hot Latte's my barista's have to scroll all the way to the bottom to get to a note or quanity section.  It's a bit time consuming when we are busy. I was wondering if there was a way to move the option high above the regular mods on the screen. 


Also,  is there a way to have quanity options on items that do not have mods.  For example, we sell different cookies.  For exampl,  a customer can load a cookie bag with 2 chocolate chip, 3 spice maple, and 2 biscotti's.  When at the register I have a breads/cookie category. when selecting the chocolate cookie option it only puts one on the order. Then we have to go and select that option so it opens up and change the quantity.  Does that make sense?  I'm looking to ease the steps at the order screen. Less steps mean faster movement at the register. 


Thanks for any tips!


Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

I too want the quantity button moved, but it isn't an option currently.


As for the second question what we did was add a second price (it can even be the same price) just so that it will bring up the screen that allows quantity to be chosen.  leave your correct price as the default and all they will have to do is change the quantity.

Message 2 of 3

Its been 5 years now and this is still not an option.

Message 3 of 3