Square Champion

Why is loyalty marketing limited to email, when we collect phone number?

Does anyone know why we only have email as an option either through Marketing, or in the Loyalty marketing section, when loyalty only allows us to collect mobile/cell numbers? And we collect their opt-in, but can’t seem to send them marketing contact?


Hopefully I am just doing something weird?

Message 1 of 13
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Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey @phillipsrw, thanks for your post. Although I don't have the specifics regarding which GDPR laws would affect this, at the moment it is not possible for customers to sign up for your business' loyalty program using their emails, they will need to use their phone number. 


However, you can incentivize your customers to provide their email during the checkout process to use for Square Marketing and to opt into your marketing program when signing up for your loyalty program. 


To enable this feature:

  1. Visit the Settings tab of your Loyalty dashboard.
  2. Toggle on Offer customers points in return for their email addresses.
  3. Enter the amount of points being offered for an email address.
  4. Click Save.

To enable this feature on an existing programme:

  1. Head to Customers > Loyalty tab in online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click Actions > Edit.
  3. In the Settings tab > enable Offer customers points in return for their email addresses.
  4. Enter the amount of points being offered for an email address.
  5. Click Next to continue with setup > Save.

Although a Square Loyalty app isn't available, I think it's a great idea! I'll pass your feedback over to our product team for them to take into consideration. 


Hope that helps!

View Best Answer >

Message 10 of 13
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Square Community Moderator

Thanks for reaching out, @artizansty 


Can you clarify your question a bit? Are you asking if it is possible to send marketing through text message? Or are you saying that you can not send out email marketing to customers after they enroll in the Loyalty program with their phone number? 


Thanks in advance! 😊

Message 2 of 13
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Square Champion

So Loyalty is forced to be utilised with people’s mobile numbers, however I can find no tools that allow me to send them marketing campaigns to their mobile numbers. My core question is - why?


Som secondary questions are - Does the marketing opt-in we collect with Loyalty covering any communication medium (so inclusive of email), and also why is Loyalty forced to only use mobile number?

Message 3 of 13
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Square Champion

I don’t think there’s any opt in process around Loyalty regarding marketing emails or contact at all. 

There is the option to opt in to SMS updates to Loyalty information (specifically this, so points balance updates not general info or offers). 

All marketing opt in is totally separate to the Loyalty forms & info. But we’re still waiting on SMS marketing hitting the UK - think it’s only in the US right now? 

Message 4 of 13
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Thank you for commenting, @Sam_400º 😊❤️


I'm also trying to hunt down specifics for this feature, and I'll be back to update once I get some clarification. 

Message 5 of 13
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Square Champion

@Sam_400º here’s a screenshot with the exact verbiage for the opt-in here in the UK: “I consent to receive informational and marketing text messages from this seller.” 

I’m curious what’s giving you the impression this opt-in is only for Loyalty SMS updates when it doesn’t mention Loyalty at all as part of the opt-in (only a “programme”, which might be a marketing programme), and does mention about marketing text messages? 



Message 6 of 13
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Square Champion

Ah I’ve obviously not read it fully 😂


But loyalty uses phone number so guess we’ll have to wait for SMS marketing to make it over the pond! 

Will try & test with a non marketing customer if they sign up through this screen & tick yes if it updates their profile for email marketing.

Message 7 of 13
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Square Champion

Ha all good!


Where are you able to see this indication on customer records for email marketing? 🤔

Message 8 of 13
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Square Champion

I have raised something similar re: the direct marketing to loyalty customers. I believe the US Loyalty scheme has an option to enable email collection in the Loyalty dashboard, so that when customers sign up from the embedded signup screen on the POS the customer has the option to add their email address also. So we can then market directly with customers via email which is much more preferable for a online retail store (ie not a food and beverage who I assume would prefer mostly to communicate via SMS text with quick snappy offers of the day etc). I have been told that due to GDPR this email collection option is not available in the UK, but I can't see any GDPR reason why this function cant be activated (note the link for loyalty sign up allows both mobile email collection when signing up to loyalty)


Can activation of the email option be enabled to allow email collection for Loyalty signup at the POS? This would enable a marketing communication method while SMS is rolled out to the UK, plus it is also better for none F&B retailers who in my opinion and experience would find email communication a better method with their loyalty customers.


...how about a Square Loyatly app? We could upload our offers and promotions on the app and use push notifications and/or emails to let customer know of new offers etc.

Coco Chemistry Ltd
Artisan Chocolatier
Message 9 of 13
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Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey @phillipsrw, thanks for your post. Although I don't have the specifics regarding which GDPR laws would affect this, at the moment it is not possible for customers to sign up for your business' loyalty program using their emails, they will need to use their phone number. 


However, you can incentivize your customers to provide their email during the checkout process to use for Square Marketing and to opt into your marketing program when signing up for your loyalty program. 


To enable this feature:

  1. Visit the Settings tab of your Loyalty dashboard.
  2. Toggle on Offer customers points in return for their email addresses.
  3. Enter the amount of points being offered for an email address.
  4. Click Save.

To enable this feature on an existing programme:

  1. Head to Customers > Loyalty tab in online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click Actions > Edit.
  3. In the Settings tab > enable Offer customers points in return for their email addresses.
  4. Enter the amount of points being offered for an email address.
  5. Click Next to continue with setup > Save.

Although a Square Loyalty app isn't available, I think it's a great idea! I'll pass your feedback over to our product team for them to take into consideration. 


Hope that helps!

Message 10 of 13
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Square Champion

Hi @k_atie 


Thank you for the information.


When we are in the loyalty section of the dashboard under settings there is not ability/function that allows us to Toggle on Offer customers points in return for their email addresses. It's not there/visible. This is the problem we have it's not avaiable in the UK dashboard. So without SMS text marketing or email collection of loyalty signups we can not communicate with our loyalty subscribers. This renders the Loyalty scheme partially useless.


Can this email collection function be made avaiable in the UK Loyalty dashboard? This would resolve the problem.


Many thanks 😊 

Coco Chemistry Ltd
Artisan Chocolatier
Message 11 of 13
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @phillipsrw, thanks so much for your reply and the correction. I was going by the support centre article I linked above, so apologies for providing the wrong information here. I'll get someone to correct the article above too. 


As for the availability of this feature for UK sellers, I don't have any information on when this will be available to our sellers, but we'll make sure to post any changes to this feature here, in the Community.


Let me know if you have any further questions! 

Message 12 of 13
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Square Champion

Thanks @k_atie we'll keep an eye out on it and hopefully it will get picked up. We would love to use the loyalty but are struggling to quantify  the benefits to the business with out this functionality, which is a pitty as its pretty much there as a system. Hopefully if it gets address we can really push its full potential in our business. Thank you again 👍

Coco Chemistry Ltd
Artisan Chocolatier
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