[Improvement] Payment Links now supports multiple locations and link previews

Hi Sellers! 


We’ve made it easier to use Payment Links if you have more than one location. Now, you can create, configure, and manage payment links for each of your locations individually, allowing you to tailor the payment experience to each unique business.

We also made it simpler to create links. As you select your link purpose and configure your payment link, you can now see a preview of what your customers will see on the link, during checkout, and on their confirmation page. Any changes will reflect on the preview in real time.


multi location us-en.png


Visit your Payment Links dashboard


Learn more about Payment Links


Square Champion

Having the ability to see a preview is great. I used to go to the payment link after it was created to make sure I had all the content there. This will save me time. Thank you! 

Square Champion

Thank you for this update!!!!  Being able to see the preview and check all aspects of the link while in the design phase is priceless.  We usually have to create and publish the link.  Then go in and check it out...makes it time consuming when using these links in our newsletter.  Thanks Square 🙂

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