[New] on Square Appointments: Additional Commission Reporting Data Fields in the CSV File Export

Hi Sellers,


The Appointments team launched a new feature that allows you to audit and understand staff commission calculations through reporting.


We added three new data fields in the “Item Detail” CSV file export on your Square Dashboard:


  • Itemization Type: e.g. Item vs Service
  • Commission: Dollar amount
  • Employee: Name of commission earner


This file export is accessible in two Dashboard locations:


1. Reports > Item Sales > Export > Detail CSV

Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 5.04.09 PM.png



2. Transactions > Export > Items Detail CSV


Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 5.12.59 PM.png





We hope these additions makes it easier to view commissions paid to specific employees by service or item sale.



CSV Export Screenshot.png



Feel free to post here if you have any questions or feedback!


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