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Latest Blog Posts
Square Shifts, Square Staff for Crew Legacy Sellers, and Appointments Premium (which includes Square Shifts) now supports shift covers, which provides teams the flexibility to adjust their schedules without needing to take a shift in return via a shift trade.
Hi Sellers! 👋   We are excited to introduce our newest feature, forecasted labor costs. Available with any Shifts plan or Retail, Restaurant, and Appointments Plus or Premium plan.    We understand that many of you operate on thin margins with labor costs making up a large
Hi Sellers,   Some of you have been asking for the ability to drag and drop appointments on the calendar to reschedule them. If you're on app version 6.31 or later on iOS or Android, you should now be able to do this!    Want us to keep working on new drag and drop features?
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’re excited to share with you the 2nd Appointments specific report called the Future Bookings report.  This new report will let you look forward on your calendar and project out how much revenue you’re expected to make and how utilized you’re expected to be
Hi Sellers! 👋   Archive items from your Square Dashboard to make managing your item catalog and inventory reports easier than ever.    You and your staff can now designate items to ‘Archive’ status to keep your item history, and view your catalog and inventory reports with
Hi Sellers! 👋   The Square Appointments and Square Online teams just made it easier for your clients to select locations on your online booking site. We know managing multiple locations can be a challenge, and you want to give clients the choice to decide which location to go to base
Hi Sellers! 👋   We are introducing a new booked service filter and the ability to segment booking dates over a span of time (e.g. booked between 1/1-5/1), as well as suggested smart group templates built specifically for Appointments sellers. And as a reminder, we also have filters a
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’re excited to share recent updates to the Appointments Staff Performance Report. Now, in addition to seeing your staff’s pre-booking rate and client retention rates, you’ll also be able to see their schedule utilization rate. This is calculated as a ratio of a staf
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’re excited to announce the launch of Class Booking for Appointments! You can now schedule single or recurring class sessions that can be booked directly online by customers. You’ll also be able to manually add customers to a class and take payment in-person or over
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