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This is your hub to learn about Square's new releases and changes to your devices.
Latest Blog Posts
Hi Sellers!    We’re excited to launch an open beta for our redesigned Invoice creation flow on desktop. In this open beta, you’ll be able to get an early look at the enhancements made to creating and sending invoices in Square Dashboard, which makes the invoice creation process
Hi Sellers!   We’ve made it easier to discover and participate in beta programs at Square via the Beta Hub in Dashboard.   Help us help you. Beta programs offer a sneak peek at what our teams are working on. Joining a beta program as a beta tester helps us learn more about what’s
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Hi Sellers! 👋   We're thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our unified Staff Dashboard, designed to simplify your experience with Square Staff products and features. This update will simplify how you manage your team, schedules, timecards, payroll, and more.  All Square S
Hi Sellers! 👋   What’s new?Printer Profiles! Printer Profiles are printer settings which are shared across devices and locations. Printer Profiles can be created and updated on Point of Sale or on Square dashboard. Updates sync across all devices. Printer Profiles will replace P
Hi Sellers! 👋   You can now set the fulfillment method for your items directly from the Item Library in your Square Dashboard. Select Shipping, Pickup, Local delivery and/or Self-serve ordering to determine how your customers will receive their orders.      Previously
Hi Sellers,   Writing good descriptions for every single item you sell takes up a ton of time. Time that you don’t have, especially during the busy holiday season.    Now, it’s easier than ever to make sure every item has an accurate and compelling description to help it sel
Hi Sellers! 👋   Archive items from your Square Dashboard to make managing your item catalog and inventory reports easier than ever.    You and your staff can now designate items to ‘Archive’ status to keep your item history, and view your catalog and inventory reports with
Hi Sellers! 👋   As a follow up to our launch of managing shipments in Square Dashboard, we’re excited to announce that we’ve added the ability to purchase shipping labels directly within Dashboard for US Sellers! We’ve partnered with Shippo to give you the ability to create a free Sh
Hi Sellers! 👋   Introducing Widgets in Dashboard! Available now to all sellers using Square Dashboard on desktop devices.   Your business at a glance. Widgets visualize relevant information about your business. You’ll see them in your Dashboard homepage, right when you log
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