
Product Updates

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This is your hub to learn about Square's new releases and changes to your devices.
Latest Blog Posts
Here is the monthly update of all the new features and product updates posted in the US Seller Community in June 2024. 
The year sure is flowing by quickly — it's hard to believe we're are already half way through June. Pardon for the late roundup. April and May have been busy months for our team. Here is a list of all the new features and product updates posted in the US Seller Community in April & May 2024.
Hi Sellers,   Welcome to March! Here is the monthly roundup of all the new features and product updates posted in the US Seller Community in March 2024.   The Roundup [Update] Restaurant POS Redesign [New] Square KDS now available with Square for Retail [New] Offline d
Hi Sellers!    Welcome to March! I hope the end of winter/beginning of spring is treating you and your business well. Here is the monthly roundup of all the new features and product updates posted in the US Seller Community in February 2024.   The Roundup [New] Pa
Hi Sellers!    The first month of 2024 has flown by and we are well into February! In fact, today we are halfway through the month and it happens to be Valentine's Day. 🥰 We hope you are staying warm and dry, wherever you are! Here is the monthly roundup of all the new feat
Hi Sellers!    Pardon the December Roundup coming out a month late! The end of the year vortex and an illness had me out of office, but I am back and ready to give you all the product news you can handle. Here is the monthly roundup of all the new features and product update
Hi Sellers!    Happy last month of the year! Here is the monthly roundup of all the new features and product updates posted in the US Seller Community in November 2023.   The Roundup [New] Late Fees for Square Invoices [New] Launching Future Bookings Report for Ap
Hi Sellers!    It's already mid-November, which means it's time to post our monthly post of Product Update goodness. Here is the monthly roundup of all the new features and product updates posted in the US Seller Community in October 2023.   The Roundup [Improveme
Hi Sellers!    Welcome to Fall and welcome to your monthly roundup! Please pardon my lateness in posting this, I was out sick and also had a little PTO scheduled this month, so this is coming out later than intended. But I know ya'll love it, so I would never let it slip my mind