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Latest Blog Posts
Now you can see powerful insights into your customer’s visit habits in order to make more informed business decisions. 
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’ve refreshed the design of customer profiles in order to help you more efficiently reference important customer information like Card on File, Notes, Loyalty, and more. Quickly find and act on the information you need with this new and simplified layout.   Car
Hi Seller Community!   We’re happy to introduce first and last visit filters.   Now you can easily segment and filter for new customers who just made their first visit and lapsed customers who haven’t visited in a few months, based on your own definitions and parameters. This fil
Hi Sellers! 👋   Now, you can more quickly and accurately identify your customers by using your iOS (iPhone, iPad) camera to scan a ‘reference ID’ via QR code or barcode. This will add the customer to the sale and can also apply an associated discount. This functionality builds upon a
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