
Can a closed drawer session be edited?

We closed an active drawer with a mistake in the "actual amount in drawer" item.  Actually, the Square app froze and closed it out with the incorrect amount entered, but anyhow, can a closed drawer be edited to show the correct amount in "actual amount in drawer" item?

Message 1 of 89
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hello @906_Vapor, welcome to the Seller Community! 


I'm just popping in to confirm that @jjgard is correct. Once a cash drawer report is closed you will not be able to edit it. This is currently a feature request. I will make sure to share this post with our product team!  


Please let me know if either of you have improvements you would like to suggest! We love hearing from our Sellers. 

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Message 3 of 89

YES I need this! I want to be able to fix everything correctly so my accounting isn't off later down the line!

Message 64 of 89

I also think there is a major need to be able to edit the cash drawer after we close it.  People make mistakes and not being able to edit the cash amount to be deposited that day is not a good thing for an audit.

Message 65 of 89
Beta Member

Adding our vote to allow closed/ended cash drawers to be edited.  We made several mistakes while figuring out the correct process that we can't correct now in the "Actual Amount" in drawer totals.  Looking at how long this has been suggested in this thread I'm not hopeful but it appears to be a common problem and request.  Thanks!

Message 66 of 89

Crazy that this feature is not not available yet.. 

Message 67 of 89

This is completely ridiculous that this hasn't been fixed in 4 years.  It seems that Square doesn't care at all what it's customers NEED...this really isn't a "want" to keep even the basic of records.  I had an employee ring in a gift certificate by mistake as cash in a split payment transaction and we couldn't figure it out until she remembered the next day.  

Also, the checks not posting as income.  I have people that write checks and leave a tip on there so if we record it as $30 over and take the money out of the drawer to tip the employees at the end of their shift, we have to remember to record that as a Paid Out amount so when we are busy that is nearly impossible.  

Message 68 of 89

Please get this option sooner rather than later. Permissions should be able to be created that allows the owner to make adjustments for errors. Perfect example tonight, an employee counted the drawer at $1040.35 and closed it. Then she discovered our "bank" back up money was $20 short so we had to pull the extra $20 from the sales day "cash" leaving our actual cash deposit report short $20 and it looks like we took more cash than we actually did. This would be a simple fix with the option to adjust the cash drawer after closing. Please let us owners worry about any security risks. Is there someone specifically we should reach out to to make this happen? I'll watch for a reply and update. Terry

Message 69 of 89
Beta Member

I don't understand.  This can't be too difficult to program.  These requests have gone on for years.  Plus, I don't know how the overages/underages effect my bottom line.  I can't find a report that would change my sales tax or end of year.


Message 70 of 89

I'M requesting this feature as well!!! So please count my vote too!!!!!  AND I AM THE SOLE USER/OWNER/MANAGER on this account and I made a mistake that it is not allowing me to go back and simply correct.  quite frustrating.

Message 71 of 89

Our new employee is having a nightmare ending the days register. Tonight to the tune of 42.62 over inaccurately. Not being able to edit/amend adds up. Please give us biz owners option to correct? 

Message 72 of 89
Square Community Moderator

Thank you for taking the time to share your interest in editing closed cash drawers @coffelady I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers' interest in your request.


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 73 of 89

I’ve asked for this feature for over 2 years. Multiple feature requests, Speaking to reps, Every possible suggestion of getting it to happen. 

Square made some effort to please customers early on, but customer service is slowly diminishing. 

Luckily there are TONS of systems on the market. If simple features like this don’t get through the pipeline I’m more than happy to move our 7 stores and $30M in revenue to another provider. 

Message 74 of 89
Square Community Moderator

I must admit that some feature requests have fallen through the cracks because of the amount of volume we receive here in the Seller Community @White-Wolf. We have worked on a better process so I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers' interest in your request.


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 75 of 89
Beta Member

This "feature request" was submitted to your dev team nearly 5 years ago.  Is there any update to this? 

Message 76 of 89
Square Community Moderator

No new updates at this time @awakenings

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 77 of 89

Reporting from September 2022. We still need this.

Message 78 of 89

I was hoping this would be possible.  I miscounted the drawer, thinking I was a $20 short, and closed it with a negative amount. Once I had someone else count, I found out I skipped a $20 and wasn't short at all. Now I can't edit it. I wonder how this will affect my reports?

Bearilla's House of Grub, LLC
Message 79 of 89

We are nearing the end of 2022 and this is still an open issue.  We need to have a way to edit a "closed drawer" in the event of a data entry error.  Please let the community know when this feature will be added.  It seems to be an issue with a number of your customers, including me.

Message 80 of 89
Square Community Moderator

I understand your frustration, @VetsClub298! We'll tag you, and all other sellers in this thread once we have an update. 

Message 81 of 89
Beta Member

Square has been saying for years they will tag us once they have an update.  I have never used another POS that this feature wasn't available.  Why do we even have the ability to close the drawer if it doesn't generate a report or allow adjustments?  Can't they see by the amount of requests that this is important?  There was a response a couple of years ago about it being a "legal issue".  Let us worry about that.  Toast doesn't have any legal issue with it.

Message 82 of 89
Square Community Moderator

I appreciate you reaching out with this feedback @chanty . I completely understand offering a feature but not being able to use it how you need it is frustrating. I would encourage you to reach out to our Ideate Board and provide this feedback there. At this time this is not something Square has plans to implement but we can track the request on our board and let our product team this feature is needed. While we don’t have a solution right now for this I hope our other products and features will make you reconsider using Square. If you need anything else feel free to reach back out.



Message 83 of 89
Beta Member

So is there an update over 6 years since thread was opened. I'm embarrassed when I see the accountant. Especially after I work 14 hrs and accidentally add an extra zero. So let's say if sales were $3,850 and I accidentally put $38,500. Now my cash is short $35,000 and because I worked too hard I will forever be punished.  What a joke.  

Message 84 of 89