
Free shipping and shipping costs

Some of my inventory includes free shipping. Some will require shipping costs. How do I address this? I cannot find how to use Modifiers and Extra shipping in the settings.

Message 1 of 9

I can help explain! You are correct, to have some items have shipping included while others get free shipping price points will be your best option. 


To get started, set your shipping cost at $0.00 and create specific price points within each item. To create price points: 


1. Visit Items in your Dashboard and click Create Item or select an item from the list.
2. Add additional price points by entering a name, price, and SKU. (Every time you enter a new price point, another field will display so you can enter as many price points as you need.)
3. Click Save.


Screen Shot 2016-09-01 at 8.18.45 AM.png


Each price point can factor in different shipping costs (e.g., expedited, standard).


Prior to checkout, when a customer clicks an item with multiple price points, a drop-down menu showing the shipping options will appear.



Message 2 of 9

This sounds great, but what happens when they order multiple items? If the shipping price is built into each item, then the customer will be charged for repeatedly for one box. That's no bueno.

Message 3 of 9

@notyomamalawton - Good point. This is certainly a limitation of using our online store. Have you considered checking out one of our partnerships? Woocommerce, Weebly, Ecwid, and Big Commerce all offer pretty robust online store options. You can also keep Square as your credit card processor! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 4 of 9

Those third-party options all cost and I am a very small operation so it wouldn't make sense. I am using Square because of the cost. I might as well sell on Amazon and eBay. I really wish that Square would really improve their Online Store shipping options. This seems to be the biggest complaint and the biggest reason why more people are not using Square's online store.

Message 5 of 9

Appreciate the feedback, @BoCAuthor. We don't currently have other options in the works right now, so definitely understand if you need to use another product that better suits your business. 


In any case, we'll share this post with our online store team, and will update this thread should anything change in the future!

Message 6 of 9

Hi, I submitted a couple of threads a while back inquiring about an additional shipping option feature that has not been implemented, yet most of the new features being added to the Square site seem to only enhance restaurant businesses. So my question is, does Square have any plans at all of adding an additional shipping option feature any time soon? This feature was included with the old platform and should have been moved to the new one along with the other features that were moved because I was using it as were some of the other sellers I'm sure. So in my case, by no longer having this feature available, I've had to close my store to look for another place to sell my items and the only other place I could find is Shopify which I don't want to use. If this feature wasn't so important I wouldn't continue asking about it. 


Additionally, I ran across a thread suggesting we use Modifiers to add extra costs for shipping, but that will not work as this would be a one-time price so if my customer ordered 3 of the same item or any item, they'll only pay a shipping cost in addition to one additional item cost if I set this up as a Modifier when this cost needs to be added to the second and third items so this is out of the question.

Message 7 of 9

Thanks for following up on your suggestions, @pookievale


While we have been building out a lot of features designed for restaurants and food service, our shipping options are by no means meant to remain as they are now indefinitely. Have you considered using the option to add a rate based on the order total? It wouldn't be quite as granular as automatically doing 15% of the order total regardless of the exact amount, but you can get close. For example, you could do it at $5 dollar intervals so you have something like:


$40 - $45 total = $6.00 shipping

$45 - $50 total = $6.50 shipping

$50 - $55 total = $7.50 shipping


And so on as high as you want until you think you've covered the range or order prices you usually see from customers. To see this rate type, go to Settings > Shipping, click Edit for the rates for a region, then click the link to show more rate options.


Seller Community, Platform
Message 8 of 9

Thanks for the suggestion, but it looks like you were showing me a per order total example which I'm already using. I sell jewelry, home decor and clothing so the problem is I don't want to ship jewelry for the same cost I ship larger items for and I'll also need to charge an additional cost for each item especially for shipping outside of the USA.


I've tried using the modifier, but that won't work because it's not setup to charge for adding another item. If I make it mandatory for the customer to choose an option, they'll be paying a one time additional charge on the 1st item, not the additional items, unless they go back to the product page to add others, but then they'll already be paying an additional item cost on the 1st item along with an additional cost a second item, and that's not what I want, Do you have any suggestions for something like this?

Message 9 of 9