
How do I accept payment for an invoice using the Square POS app?

Please: how to apply payment to an invoice using the Square POS? We had a customer come in with their invoice and wanted to pay it in-store. How to?


We took care of it by creating a new sale with the items and discounts, just to help the customer and keep the store running smoothly. But when they come in and want to use their credit card, they want to pay it on the spot. AND they want a receipt. There's no option for paying an invoice in-person.


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Message 1 of 150
1 Verified Answer
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Re: How do I accept payment for an invoice using the Square POS app?


This feature was rolled out to all accounts over the summer and into Retail and Appointments in late September. You should see the option to take a partial payments on an invoice in your Square POS on Android and all devices at this time.


You should be able to follow the steps in this article to take payments in person from your device. Android


To process an in-person card payment for a deposit or partial balance, follow these steps: 


  1. Open the Square Point of Sale or Square Invoices app
  2. Select the desired invoice
  3. Tap Add Payment
  4. Enter or Select the payment amount 
  5. Tap Next
  6. Select the appropriate payment method
  7. Continue the check out flow

Note: Currently, tipping is only available as a percentage of the final invoice payment.


Please let me know if you have further questions or are experiencing issues with this. Happy to help.

1 Best Answer

Best Answer


This feature was rolled out to all accounts over the summer and into Retail and Appointments in late September. You should see the option to take a partial payments on an invoice in your Square POS on Android and all devices at this time.


You should be able to follow the steps in this article to take payments in person from your device. Android


To process an in-person card payment for a deposit or partial balance, follow these steps: 


  1. Open the Square Point of Sale or Square Invoices app
  2. Select the desired invoice
  3. Tap Add Payment
  4. Enter or Select the payment amount 
  5. Tap Next
  6. Select the appropriate payment method
  7. Continue the check out flow

Note: Currently, tipping is only available as a percentage of the final invoice payment.


Please let me know if you have further questions or are experiencing issues with this. Happy to help.

Technical Program Manager: AI
Square Inc

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Message 135 of 150
149 REPLIES 149

@mchmarty1 - Happy to follow up! For your first two points, I'll reply below:


..you can't invoice customers off the register...


You can definitely invoice from the Square Register app! You can learn more about how to send Invoices from a mobile device on our Support Center.


..can't print invoices after they've been created (to be used as proof of delivery tickets)...


If you head to the Invoices tab of the Square Dashboard, you can select an invoice, click "More," and then select "Print."


As for your last request, this is definitely a feature I've seen requested. While I can't speak to any sort of timeline, I'm happy to pass along the feedback to our product team. Hope this helps! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 43 of 150

I will be another person here and say we need this feature to pay an inovoice on register ASAP.  I assumed this was basic functionality here but I am disspapointed to see this is not the case.  Please let us know this information has been passed along.


thank you.

Message 44 of 150

This is the situation I'm in and this is how I handle it. But I've noticed that when I then go and mark the invoice as paid then Square double counts the amount in my dashboard. For example, I had a $96.50 invoice. The client came in and paid $40 cash and the rest via CC.  So the $56.50 transaction went through my register as a payment and then when I marked the invoice as paid an additional $96.50 showed up in my dashboard as amount collected. Surely there should be a way to apply the amount paid against an invoice?

Message 45 of 150

Can you please make it possible to, maybe with a button, to easily convert invoices to tickets on the Square Register.

I frequently send the invoice once the order is placed but do not require prepayment, the invoice is basically order verification.

Many of my customers will pay the amount due in store upon order completion. 

If we invoiced the customer we have then rebuild the transaction on the register inorder for them to be checked out in store. 

Please make a conversion button ; ) 


Thank you

Message 46 of 150

@3monkeyspad - Thanks for taking the time to share the suggestion. I went ahead and combine it with this thread, as it closely matches this feature request. I'll be sure to update this thread in the future with any updates. 🙂

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 47 of 150

Add me as another person requesting the ability to receive payment through the register. What's the point of creating an invoice through square if I can't receive payment through square? As a workaround (which I shouldn't have to do) I will now create tickets instead of invoices. Too bad I can't email tickets.

Message 48 of 150

We too need to be able to convert an invoice to payable through the register. Our customers sometimes come into the shop to pay an invoice and pick up their serviced bike.. 

Message 49 of 150

Hi @Stellar119. This is definitely a popular feature request (as you can see). While we don't currently support this functionality, we do know how valuable this feature would be for sellers. While I can't promise any sort of timeframe, I can share that this is something we're working on it! 🙂


I'll be sure to share all future updates in this thread. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 50 of 150

Hi I'm new to Squareup. For payments needing detailed notes - can I generate them on the website, pull them up on my phone and have them pay in person via card swipe? Thank you.

Message 51 of 150
Square Community Moderator

Hi @nobusinessname


Glad to hear you're using Square for your business. 


Check out the Best Answer post on this existing thread. 


Our Product Team is actively building this since it was highly requested by our Sellers , so keep an eye out for updates in the near future!

Message 52 of 150

I'd like to be able to pull in an overdue invoice into a transaction when a customer is present to have them pay the outstanding invoice via me swiping their card. 


Secondly, I'd like to add additional items on top of the overdue invoice and I'd like to provide an itemized receipt. 


Right now, I add together the additional items in Quickbooks to find the total of those items, then add in the total of the outstanding invoice and create one 'Custom Amount' for the transaction - to include overdue invoice & additional item amounts.


The customer swipes their card for the "Custom Amount" and I have to then go to their overdue invoice, change status to paid, print a copy of that, as well as print a copy of the quickbooks invoice, for them to have the grand total that the 'custom amount' shows. Seems cumbersome. Trying to find a way to streamline this and use one system to provide itemized receipts for the exact amount the customer pays. 


Message 53 of 150

Thanks for posting and sharing the suggestions, @NaturalFigoski1. For now I moved your post to another thread in regards to your first point. We're tracking the request and will update here, should this become available in the future. Thanks!

Message 54 of 150

Hi Sean, Any update? Due to the nature of my business, customers place orders and I create an invoice. Sometimes they pay the invoice and I ship the items, and sometimes they come pick their items up and want to do a card swipe. I then have to create a new POS and delete the invoice. Seems we should be able to pull up an invoice and pay it via card swipe. Thanks.

Message 55 of 150

@SmoochyBaby - I don't have any updates to share right now, but thank for reaching out! I'll be sure to share your interest in this feature with our product liaison team. 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 56 of 150

I can't believe this isn't already part of what Square offers. I recently switched all my invoicing from QBO to Square so I could run my store register and invoicing through a single platform. I'm regretting that decision now that some key features I assumed were present aren't offered at all. And it sounds like Square has known about this being a problem for a while. Totally disappointed. I'm not sure if I'll switch back to QBO or not, but I might have to if Square doesn't update this soon. Bummer!!! 

Message 57 of 150

I think it's a business decision that may have been purposely left out. Either because they obviously charge more for online invoicing and payments that are emailed to clients. Either a deal with quickbooks integration deal might have had a clause. Or simply introduce it later but then add a fee structure to it because of the demand.  I would be highly disappointed if they did integrate invoice payment on register but with a higher transaction fee. 

Message 58 of 150

Hey @maritbockelie and @jetcars, I went to check on this and there no developments to share right now. In the meantime, I'll be sure to surface your posts with our Product Liaison team. We will circle back with any updates as soon as they're available.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 59 of 150

I need to understand how to fix my accounting so it doesn't look like I got paid twice!




Message 60 of 150

All I can say is one of your transactions will have to be deleted.  That is what I had to do.

Message 61 of 150

I sent a client a Square Invoice.  Since the fee is lower if you swipe a card, I tried to meet them and take payment but I can't find a way to take a swipe for an invoice.



Message 62 of 150

@ChrisHeuer we are glad to have you apart of the Seller Community! Please take a look at Sean's answer on the first page of this thread. 

Message 63 of 150