
Does Square have a mobile inventory feature?

I'm hoping that Square will add inventory to the Mobile Dashboard or Register app. This way I could go through my store and log inventory with my phone. I use inventory on the webpage, but that means I have to walk through my store with a printout of all products, write them down, then come back to the computer log them into the spreadsheet and then upload or do it manually on the page. We do this regularly and it's not *that* bad - it's mostly time consuming, but being able to do things through the app would make my life so much easier and really improve our inventory control.


Is this in the works?

Message 1 of 18
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Mobile Inventory Feature?

@ChocolateDC - Welcome to the Seller Community, and kudos on your first post.🎖  We're happy to have you on board! 


As for your question, this is definitely a popular feature request that we hear from our sellers. While I can't speak to future product releases, I'm happy to pass along your feedback to our product liaison team. If you'd like to read up more on how Square handles feature requests, check out this thread.


PS) If my answer solved your problem, would you mind marking it as "Best Answer"? That'll help the rest of the community find what they're looking for. If not, just write back, and I'll continue to help. Thanks!


I think it would be a great feature to have to be able to put it in "stock mode" and be able to scan items into the system to update the stock numbers. So if in the system it says we have 4 in stock and then we get 2 more I would be able to scan the barcodes and it would update it to 6 in stock.

Message 2 of 18

Hi @YESMagicShop — It looks like another seller had similar request, so I went ahead and merged your two threads. Having the ability to manage inventory using your mobile device would definitely be a great asset to have. I'll share your thoughts with our product liaison team, as well. 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 3 of 18

@ChocolateDC - Welcome to the Seller Community, and kudos on your first post.🎖  We're happy to have you on board! 


As for your question, this is definitely a popular feature request that we hear from our sellers. While I can't speak to future product releases, I'm happy to pass along your feedback to our product liaison team. If you'd like to read up more on how Square handles feature requests, check out this thread.


PS) If my answer solved your problem, would you mind marking it as "Best Answer"? That'll help the rest of the community find what they're looking for. If not, just write back, and I'll continue to help. Thanks!

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 4 of 18
Beta Member

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add this feature. I have about 6,000 SKUs. The technology is already there. Add mobile inventory feature to the square point of sale app and incorprate the camera as a barcode scanner. i cant be running around the store to take counts just to come back in my office and enter the numbers. Either that, or have custom import templates. Another simple idea would be when doing a bulk import, do not make ALL fields required. I have an inventory scanner i bought for 80 bucks...it scans barcodes and logs quantities, but the bulk import (modify) feature requires too many fields that are not exported/supported by my scanner. I just want to be able to import skus and quantites. This seems like a no brainer, especially to supports high-volume non-durable goods retailers.

Message 5 of 18

I run another small shop and we use ShopKeep. This venture is very small so I didn't need all the "bells & whisles", but it's a great product. If you added a inventory feature with a "reorder" trigger number that would save me so much time. You really need a inventory feature so at the end of a night I know how much is left and how much I sold to help with ordering.

Message 6 of 18

My solution to this problem took a long time to sort out. I questioned square and then moved on to other inventory apps. In the end I am doing mobile inventory with square. I log in to dashboard with my iPad and scan and adjust inventory in the items menu. You will need to reset your scanner from iOS mode to basic mode. We use the socket 7ci Bluetooth scanner for this. 

Hope this helps. It took me almost 20 hours of phone calls, playing with software and hardware to figure out. 

Message 7 of 18

@ryan1 can you please help me with the precise steps you take to adjust the inventory quantity, without importing csv file. I can't seem to find the place to change the stock quantity per item, per location. Any help would be appreciated thanx

Message 8 of 18

@ryan1 - Any chance you could follow up? I'd love to hear more about your process. Do you scan the UPC to locate the item from the search bar in the Square Dashboard and then adjust the inventory levels once the item is pulled up? 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 9 of 18

This process works for us. I break my store into sections and take inventory of differnt sections daily throughout the month so that everything is checked monthly. The process is not streamlined and would not be a good solution for some one with thousands of sku's. Scanning into an inventory feature with the same ios based scanner as point of sale would be extremely helpfull.

Message 10 of 18

What exact device and software are you using to manage inventory like this?

Message 11 of 18

I am using the socket mobile 1 dhs scanner. We had to purchase a new scanner and a new ipad for inventory as switching between standard and IOS mode was too cumbersome for my staff.   To track inventory we just go to the item section of the dashboard. In the search field you can scan in sku codes. Then select mange inventory. Adjust the item count and set the alert at amount. As a small store this is still a tedious way to keep inventory. I would hope that square would be working on an inventory feature that is better streamlined and more user-friendly. For now this is cheap and it works.

Message 12 of 18

Is there a way to check how much inventory you have on the app or only on the desktop site?

Message 13 of 18

Please add the mobile inventory feature to the square Pos. We use square in a university concession stand where we could get a delivery of water bottles or other supplies in the middle of a game. I dont have time to bring up my computer to add the inventory in so it would be great to be able to quickly add it on my phone. I know this feature is already on the retail Pos app, so it would be great if it could also be included in the regular app.

Message 14 of 18

Thanks for posting (and welcome!) @cdelord. We are actively tracking this feature request so I moved to your post to this thread. That way our Product Team can see the volume of interest and you can be notified of any updates in future! 👍

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 15 of 18

Hello @emilee_griffith! At this time it's not possible to check your inventory from the app. I moved your post to this thread where we're actively tracking this feature request. If this changes in future we'll announce it! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 16 of 18

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Motorola scanner and web browser


My UPC scanner works find within the Square App but I also use a web browser to track my frequent buyers cards for my customers; and we do by scanning the UPC directly into the web based program but apparently the scanner only works with the Square app...is this true or is there a way to also use it  within a web browser such as Chrome?

Message 17 of 18

@julzanimalhouz What you've heard is true, at this time you can only use a compatible scanner with the Point of Sale app.


I've added your post to this thread where we are tracking the ability to use a scanner with the Square Dashboard as a feature request, it's a popular one!


If it's possible to use a scanner this way with Square we'll update this post to let you know.


️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 18 of 18