
Feature Request: Resend and add add card feature to customers Card Dashboard

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Customers Card Dashboard Link

When someone saves a card on file after paying an invoice, they are sent an email with the subject "Your card has been linked by Company Name". Inside that email is a link to their individual "Card Dashboard". From there they can remove any card on file.



1. Can we please have the ability to manually send that link to customers at anytime?

2. Can we please allow the customer to add a card to their card dashboard as well as remove one?

Message 1 of 3

@FullDigital Thanks for your post and sharing these feature requests for the Card Dashboard. I've moved this post to the Feature Request board. I agree that giving your customers the ability to manage their card information online would be really useful.


So that we can share your feedback with the Card on File team can you let us know if your customers are having hard time locating their Card Dashboard from the email — or are they missing the email completely? 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 2 of 3

The customers don't even know it exists. Thy get one link to their card dashboard in the text of an email after their card has been saved. If they even saw it to begin with, they have long since forgetten about that email and there has never been another reminder or option to get to it.


There is no link in their invoice.

There is no link in their receipt.


There should be a very clear and usable button on every single invoice and receipt that reminds users that they can manage their cards.

Message 3 of 3