
How do I integrate Wix with square so my receipts integrate properly.

When clients book a photography session, we required a deposit. Now they are able to use square to pay the deposit. The question I have, is since we are using WIX.com as the web host, and square as the payment. How do I get the receitps to show that they have only paid a portion of the photoshoot. On top of that I need to know how much they have left to pay. Now I can do this by going through e-mails and such, however is there an easier way. Right now if they book a session their receipt just states for how much they paid and that's it. It does not show that they owe more money, or which product they are paying for. 

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Hey @focusonyouphoto, welcome to the seller community and thanks for bringing this up.


I went to check on this, and we aren't able to offer support for pre-authorizing cards or collecting security deposits. For this reason, a receipt will only account for the amount in real time. Security deposit or pre-authorizing cards are not on our roadmap at this time, but our Point of Sale team is tracking these requests.


Please do keep in touch for updates, and let us know if you have any other questions.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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