
Why isn't Square a payment method in XERO?

Square claims "integration" with XERO and vice versa.  Why is Square not an option for payment method in XERO?  Currently, I have to create another invoice in Square when my clients want to pay with a card and then that invoice shows up as a new paid invoice in XERO and does not link to the invoice that I've already created in XERO for reconciliation.  It is important to have the original invoice in XERO for reporting and historical data and overall tracking of business.  


I realize 50% of this integration process (or more) is on XERO and for that reason, I have also made the request there.  However, Square is the service that stands to lose to Stripe and other services that DO integrate and are a payment method option in XERO, so I would think it might be a priority for Square to push for this solution.


Hoping to stay with Square,

Message 1 of 16
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Re: Why isn't Square a payment method in XERO

@michfitkid - Apologies for the delay in following up! It looks like this post may have slipped through the cracks. As for your feedback, it definitely sounds like this would be a great feature addition. I'll be sure to pass this along to our Partnerships Team. Hopefully this is something that can be added in the future! 


@michfitkid - Apologies for the delay in following up! It looks like this post may have slipped through the cracks. As for your feedback, it definitely sounds like this would be a great feature addition. I'll be sure to pass this along to our Partnerships Team. Hopefully this is something that can be added in the future! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 2 of 16

I also would like to see this as an option.  I really like Square and ahve the Square stand as my POS, but I also do a lot of invoicing through email.  I already have Paypal as a payment option on my Xero generated invoices that I email, but being able to have Square as a payment option would really be great.  Please make it happen.  

Message 3 of 16

I would really like to have my customers be able to pay online after I've emailed their invoice. I don't want to duplicate work by invoiciing thru Square and I don't really want to set up paypal as my merchant account.

That said, is there any progress on having square integrated with online payments from Xero?

Xero does have a "pay by unique URL" option. Is that a quick and easy solution for those of us in this boat?


Message 4 of 16

I don't think that is a viable option.  I've tried doing it, but have been unsuccessful in getting it to work.  But then, sometimes things like that aren't exactly intuitive and require steps to set up that no one would think of except the code writers.

Message 5 of 16

@GreggS You essentially just said nothing.  To expect business customers to believe that the technology isn't available to connect with a software the YOU CLAIM TO BE "INTEGRATED" WITH, is not really being forthright.  When making the decision to purchase XERO, "integration" with Square was the claim, but that is certainly not the case.  Payment Apps That Integrate With XERO  lists Square as an option.  Wouldn't this lead a customer to believe that you can in fact, accept payment from Square?  The answer is yes, it would.  


Software companies are very stubborn in defending why customers should just deal with their shortcomings.  That's cool.  Because you're the only game in town and technology never changes, right?  

Message 6 of 16

I don't understand why you are jumping onto me for my comment.  I am an end user of both Xero and Square and would like to have square integrated into the Xero invoicing as a payment option.  I don't work for either company if that is what you think.


What I was referring to and apparently didn't make myself clear on in an attempt to keep my reply short, is that I have seen instances where something could have been done in a reasonable, intuitive way by software writers, but it ends up when all other attempts have failed to recify the problem and tech support is contacted, that the solution is either so convoluted or buried so deep into the system that the average person would never be able to figure it out.  As I said, I have tried to use the method that Brian (HummKitchen) asked about to connect Square to Xero as an invoice payment option but without success.  If it is possible, which I don't think it is, I have not found it yet.  And a reply to the OP of this thread seems to suggest there isn't as it talks about developing it for a future addition.  I think this should have been one of the first things that was done when Xero and Square partnered together.


Message 7 of 16

Hey @HummKitchen, @michfitkid, and @GreggS — thanks for taking the time to share your experience with this integration. I wanted to jump in here as I can see how improving the way invoices behave with XERO would streamline your workflow. While I do not have more specifics on how to resolve this issue immediately, rest assured that I'll be sharing your posts with our Product Liaison team.


In the meantime, you may want to touch base with XERO's Support team to see if they have any additional insight. We'll circle back to this thread as soon as any other updates become available.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 8 of 16

Has there been any news on this? I too cannot believe that this is not an option between the two applications when "Integration" is claimed between them. I initially bought into both of these two applications (Xero/Square) in hopes they worked well together so I didn't have to spend so much time on in house functions over Sales development. Now I'm re-thinking my choice. I surely hope this doesn't go unanswered. William

Message 9 of 16

I just found this thread and will only add another update ... today Xero writes to me that Square was designed for Xero and suggested contacting Square.




Has this issue been solved?  

Message 10 of 16

Both software platforms (Square and XERO) calim to be "integrated" while selling you a service, but this marriage has many shortcomings.  Not the least of which is not offering Square as an accepted form of payment.  As an "integrated partner", XERO actually recommends I use STRIPE (a competing service to Square).  Which is what I will probably do.  It's 2.9 but will eliminate a lot of accounting confusion.  

Message 11 of 16

We hear you @michfitkid, I'm sorry this isn't available yet. We'll update this thread to let you know if you can use Square to process payments in Xero in future. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 12 of 16

@Helen You have been saying that for years!!!  What is it? It has to do with greed between both you and Xero. I see no other reason why this has not been a priority to make your clients happy. As Stripe is closing in on your platform; you all will lose in this race. IGNORING your LOYAL customers request isn't going to help Square one bit.  


I have been with Square since 2016 and I too have been asking for this between both you and Xero and both of you guys point the finger at each other. 


Obviously you don't care if you loose your customers. More customers are leaving Quickbooks to come to Xero and you have the opportunity to do something.


I do not like having multiple payment processing companies to take payment from my clients and right now I bill almost 100% of my customers through Xero which uses Stripe. You almost lost me as customer.  


I am sure you are about to loose others as well. 3 years people have been asking for this, your engineers create the connection and you all need to make it a priority and STOP ignoring your customers!


Do not come back to me with that scripted remark - "We hear you, I'm sorry this isn't available yet. We'll update this thread to let you know if you can use Square to process payments in Xero in future."


I am tired of reading that message. How about come give a timeline, etd, etc.... 

Message 13 of 16

I just checked in to see if there was any recent developments on this issue.  I wasn't expecting much and was not surprised that there wasn't.  And although I also offer Paypal as a payment option, a while back I finally gave up hope for this happening and signed up for Stripe so I could offer a card payment option to my customers thru the Xero invoice as well.  Although it is a little costlier than Square, Stripe is so much simpler to use as the entire process can be automated to enter the card transactions and deposits whereas with Square, I have to send a separate 2nd invoice, then when it is paid, I have to make entries in Xero for both the payment and when a transfer is made to my bank account.


I had been using Square since 2012 as my only card processing provider until recently and I still use it for my POS, but you are losing business due to either dragging your feet on this topic (at best) or completely ignoring it (at worst.)  Most of us have more to do than spend a lot of time making accounting entries for credit card transactions and sign up for services such as Square and Zero for convenience and to streamline our operations.  As it is now with the Square/Xero relationship, that isn't the case.  


C'mon, Square.  Time to stop putting this off and make it happen.       

Message 14 of 16

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Customer and Invoice integration with xero


I want to be able to use my xero customers in square to create invoices or tickets for them. I also am trying to use prepayments that were made by those customers when I am creating a tickets in Square, is this possible?

Message 15 of 16

@billdy Right now the Square and Xero integration will help sellers looking for an online accounting software - there isn't a payments integration with Xero yet. We're keeping track of this request here and we'll share any news as a soon as it's available! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 16 of 16