
Does anyone know if there is a way to change category colors in appointments calendar?

Does anyone know if there is a way to change category colors in appointments calendar?

Hi All,


I mainly want to be able to change the colors in the calendar to reflect paid customers and cash customers.... also mark outstanding invoices all in one location so i dont have to have two windows open to click through appointment and go back and create invoice...


Thanks in advance!


1 Verified Answer
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Re: Does anyone know if there is a way to change category colors in appointments calendar?

Hi all! 🌸


Although we don't have the exact feature this original post is looking for, I want to elaborate a bit on what we do have available with Appointments and calendar coloring. 


You can adjust the colors for your staff members to make it easier to organize and view on your Calendar:


Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 10.15.12 AM.png


In addition to that, it's worth noting that if you take a payment directly from the appointment, the paid appointment will appear as a lighter color on your calendar. 


I'll make sure to update this thread if I hear anything about the features mentioned in the original post. Thank you! 


When a client books an in home visit vs. an in office visit, they’re identical. It’s across the board a color code feature is essential in a booking app. When can we expect to see this feature added? Almost every other booking app has it but I love square and don’t want to switch! Halp!


Hi all! 🌸


Although we don't have the exact feature this original post is looking for, I want to elaborate a bit on what we do have available with Appointments and calendar coloring. 


You can adjust the colors for your staff members to make it easier to organize and view on your Calendar:


Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 10.15.12 AM.png


In addition to that, it's worth noting that if you take a payment directly from the appointment, the paid appointment will appear as a lighter color on your calendar. 


I'll make sure to update this thread if I hear anything about the features mentioned in the original post. Thank you! 

It would be great if I could apply different colors to individual appointments so that I could tell at a glance what clients are scheduled for each hour.  I have this on my old appointment scheduler FullSlate and it was very helpful.  Thanks!

Is there any way to have the different services have different colors in the appointment calendar, instead of showing the color of the staff person? We just have one person, and would prefer to see the different services at a glance. We can choose colors for each service, but they don't show in the calendar.  Thank you.

Beta Member

@isabelle  This feature really needs to be prioritized!!! Is there any update on when this will be available???

@isabelle my business (and others in my category) would greatly benefit from the ability to color code service types and have that color coding reflect in my calendar. I routinely have 1 hour sessions but occasionally someone wants a longer session and sometimes I miss that fact. As a result of not being able to quickly see at a glance (i.e. thanks to color coding) I have accidentally shortened an appointment - this not only disappoints the client, it reflect poorly on my credibility, and Square and I both lose money (smaller transaction = less fee captured by Square). Because I have to block extra time on appointments it can be challenging to visually see the length of the appointment on the calendar - so I have to manually open the appointment to see how long it is. Considering the # of appointments, this is tedious and easy to neglect. Thus accidental mix ups. Please, please, please offer color coded service types that reflect in the calendar as others have requested. We all will make more money as a result.

Do we know when we will be able to color-code our appointments? 


@Lollie welcome to the Seller Community!! Right now I do not have a timeline for when this will be released, but we are actively sending feedback to our product team for this. We will update the community whenever we receive more information. Thank you!

Is there a way that I can change my calendar assigned colors? For example I made my hour sessions blue, half hour grey and notes grey too. Was hoping to change the half hour color so that I stop confusing appointments for notes. Could not find a way to change it so I am hoping someone can help.


@jsfitandwell welcome to the Seller Community!! This is currently a feature request, but I've merged this comment into the appropriate board so we can keep all the feedback in one place. Thank you!