
Email confirmation to customer dependent on US telephone number being present for a UK address

It seems that I am unable to send a confirmation email to my UK client of postage without having a US telephone number in the Address form. (My site is UK based)

I am not sure where else this issue may arise on the site, but if I cannot keep good communication with the customer if I cannot update them on orders.

Please change this field as "Not Required" as it is for email confirmation and perhaps change the telephone number format for UK so that this loop issue doesn't continue.

Many thanks,


Message 1 of 7
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Hi @Occ_Wreaths, thank you for reaching out! I'm happy to take a look into this on my end - can you let me know where you are seeing the US telephone number? Since you are based in the UK, the country should defaulted to UK with the correct dialling code, so I want to make sure everything is working as expected. If you have a screenshot, that'd really help!


You can make the phone number field optional. To do so:

1. Go to your Square Online dashboard

2. Go to Settings > Checkout > Advanced Settings


ink - 2020-11-02T122131.265.png

3. Check the box Make phone number optional > Save


ink - 2020-11-02T122235.405.png


I hope this will help!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 2 of 7
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Hi @tranguyen


thank you for such a quick reply.


If you go to "Marked as Shipped" it asks you to check the address for a phone number... 



I will also have a look at your suggestion below.



Message 3 of 7
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Hi @tranguyen 


My checkout options, as you suggested, do have "Make phone number optional" checked.




Message 4 of 7
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Thanks so much for sending on the screenshot @Occ_Wreaths! I've tested a few things on my end and it looks like there's something wrong with the Edit Recipient Address field. I've gone ahead and raised a ticket with our engineering team so they can have a further look.


For now, to avoid any issue, when you are clicking Mark as Shipped on an order, if you continue to click Mark as Shipped instead of Edit Recipient Address, it won't ask you to enter a phone number and you'll be able to complete the order without an error message. Alternatively, you can also mark an order as Delivered/Shipped from your Square Dashboard as well. When you mark an order as Shipped from here, there won't be any pop up asking you to edit recipient address.


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With regards to the Make phone number optional field, that only apply to the checkout page. When this option is checked, it means customer can place an order and complete the checkout flow without having to enter a phone number. The setting is separate from the Edit Recipient Address pop-up. In my ticket, I've also asked the team if there's a way to make this field optional as well, so once I have an update I'll be sure to follow up and let you know.

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 5 of 7
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Thank you so much! It worked and it is showing as "Shipped".


kindest regards,


Message 6 of 7
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Glad to hear it worked Marie! Feel free to reach back out if you have any question and I'll be happy to help. As said, I'll update this thread when I hear back from our engineering team as well. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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