Square Champion

Are there any better purchase order statuses coming?

We use Square for all our inventory and we order stock with purchase orders through Square. We've been running into an issue that has only just now surfaced as the reason for the "issue", so am asking about it!


After creating a PO, we're thrown a screen to email the PO to the vendor (and a copy to ourselves) with 6 buttons:

  1. 'X' at the top left
  2. 'Done' at the top right
  3. 'Preview Email'
  4. 'Send'
  5. 'Save as PDF'
  6. 'Save as CSV'


Can anyone explain the difference between the 'X' and the 'Done' buttons? Clicking 'X' throws the PO to a status of "Pending", as does the 'Done' button, as does the 'Send' button. The only difference I can see, is that the 'Send' button sends an actual email.


The issue is that on an email screen, 'Done' has been confused by some staff as the right button to press (or at least equivalent to 'Send'), meaning emails don't actually get sent, but the PO is successfully created.


Is there any better naming that could be applied to the buttons, or better messaging on the screen, to make it clearer what button is required to be pressed to send the email? Perhaps remove the 'Done' button if it seemingly does the same as the 'X'?


Following on from this, the status "Pending" isn't as clear as it could be - perhaps indicating if an email has been sent (and when), so that we can see quickly if the PO has been sent?



Message 1 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hi @artizansty,


Welcome back! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 


I can see how your staff would have some confusion. At this moment this would be a feature request


I strongly recommend you submit one . This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers’ interest in your request.

Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).


Please reach out if I can further assist! 

Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

Happy to submit the lacking UI design into the feature request black hole, but explaining the difference between current buttons isn’t a feature request…

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