
CVV number missing to make manual charge

Here is my problem, I provided a service for my client that worth $249.00 For some reason I could not find my square swiping device so I just had an invoice signed by my client along with his credit card imprint Thinking that I can run it later manually The fact is when I got time to do that I relized I did not get 3 numbers at the back of his card I called him to get hat he never answered plz advice on this knowing that I have all information including his billing zip code plz advice on this matter Thanks a lot

Message 1 of 9
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

I'm sorry to hear that @Mikejoe004j. You will need to obtain that information from your customer, so I hope you're able to get in touch! 


We require all of the following information for transactions entered manually:


  • Complete card number
  • Expiration date
  • Security code/CVV
  • Billing ZIP code

If you have their email, you can also send them an Invoice. I hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions.


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Message 2 of 9

Best Answer

I'm sorry to hear that @Mikejoe004j. You will need to obtain that information from your customer, so I hope you're able to get in touch! 


We require all of the following information for transactions entered manually:


  • Complete card number
  • Expiration date
  • Security code/CVV
  • Billing ZIP code

If you have their email, you can also send them an Invoice. I hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions.


Message 2 of 9

You need to disable ccv requirement now as per new legislation. I couldn't charge $389 because I made a sliding carbon copy of c.c. which is a legal transaction.   Adam

Message 3 of 9

Hello @Cedars 


Square always requires 100% accuracy of the information @Spenser referenced above. Requiring the CVV on manually keyed in transactions helps mitigate fraudulent transactions. This makes for a more reliable and secure transaction for the customer and yourself. 

Message 4 of 9

The CC system I am using does not ask for CV # upfront.  We call for the CV # or have the person text/email or call it in.  Just the 3 #s.  I have a customer that refuses to acknowledge our attempts.  Will pick up the phone, eat in our ear, cough, then hang up.  Isn't there a way we can process the information w/o the CV#?  


Message 5 of 9

I had a customer to order online. But didn't give their CV #.  I have called/left messages and emailed.  No response.  And yes, they have their product.  


Message 6 of 9

I'm sorry to hear about this particular customer's behavior @Elp3327. The CVV number is required to manually enter card payments with Square. The posts from Spenser and Chad in this thread have more information about why.


I moved both of your posts to this thread but please keep in mind the Community Etiquette Guidelines and try not to post the same issue in different places. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 7 of 9

It is actually illegal for us to send out invoices requesting the CVV information to be returned to us because having the information "stored" in any way, shape or form negates the reason for having it to begin with.  We have had clients who send us their information, but since the invoice can't ask for that info they don't send it to us and then we can't get them to return calls to tell us over the phone.  Under new legislation, we are supposed to be able to set up our accounts to take cards without the CVV code, yet Square doesn't give us that option.  Will it be changing or will we need to use another service for our credit card processing?

Message 8 of 9

Hello @blank, thanks for raising this! Can you let me know what legislation you're referring to or where you read about this?


If you allow a customer to save their card on file from an Invoice you do not need to ask them to share the CVV with you. When you send the customer an invoice, they will receive an email and then enter their card information online. That card information will be encrypted and securely stored on Square's servers and not visible to you (or anyone else).


Any other time you want to save a customer's card on file e.g. when  adding their card information to the app, your customer must sign an Authorization form. When they've signed the form you can enter their full card information and then charge their card for future payments. You shouldn't write down or store their CVV number.


This form is not required for Square Invoices because the customer enters their card information themselves and they are allowing you to save their card information, or not.


I hope this helps clarify, please let me know if you have any other questions about this!

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 9 of 9