
Does Square prompt you to deduct tare weight when using the integrated scale?

I've called into support and am having trouble getting an answer to this question. All of our products are pay-by-weight and we need the capability to deduct the tare weight of the container from the total weight after weighing it on the integrated scale. This is the only way that this scale would make any sense for our business, so I can't justify making the purchase without knowing the answer to this question. I don't see "tare weight" mentioned anywhere in any articles or product descriptions, so I'm a bit worried that this software just doesn't have that capability, but I am hopeful!

Message 1 of 47
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Feature Request: Tare Weight Function

We are a bulk store and found a scale that had a tare function---where we can type in the weight of the container and hit tare, and it only gives us the weight of whats inside the container for entering on Square. This works for our zero waste store!



2 Best Answers

Best Answer

If we take a look at this scale in the Square Shop, there is a Tare button on the bottom right-hand side of the face of the scale. This is the button you'll use to tare out the weight of a container prior to weighing the product to be sold.

I used to work at a loose leaf tea shop, where we had a big scale that we used to weigh out teas into varying sizes of containers. Sometimes, we used the Tare function before filling containers with tea - we typically did this for oddly shaped containers that we didn't have presets for. Most of the time, we used a couple of preset Tare buttons that we had set up on the scale itself. 


If you already know the weight(s) of your container(s), the preset Tare weight sounds like it's the feature you're looking for. You are able to input 5 different preset Tare weight values using this scale. If you set up preset Tare weight values, you will be able to deduct the weight of the container from the total weight of what's on the scale by using a button on the scale.


If your customers are bringing in containers of all shapes and sizes, you would follow the same steps I followed with oddly shaped containers at the tea shop. @LocavoreStore similarly explained how a yogurt shop would ring up yogurt in a container without charging customers for the container here

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Message 4 of 47
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We are a bulk store and found a scale that had a tare function---where we can type in the weight of the container and hit tare, and it only gives us the weight of whats inside the container for entering on Square. This works for our zero waste store!



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Message 42 of 47

Thank you for sharing, @EarthMarket! 🌎 

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Message 43 of 47
Beta Member

I know this is an old thread.. but thought it was worth a shot!

Do you mind sharing the make/model of the scale? Also, is it compatible with Square or do you not have it integrated?



Message 44 of 47
Beta Member


Message 45 of 47

We have the same issue. Plus not being able to modify what information can read from the barcode. Unfortunately Im not the one who makes the decisions here. If it were me, I would have gone with a Clover system because Square is simply not cutout for customizing to your retail needs. I work in a meat shop where tare and weight are a huge factor of our business and Square has fallen short on many key aspects of our business. Luckily we figured out some workarounds but still. I suggest Clover. Good Luck.

Message 46 of 47
Square Community Moderator

Hi Sellers! 👋


We’re excited to announce that you can now deduct tare weights from items sold by weight directly through your Square for Retail point of sale.


This new tare functionality allows you to remove the weight of containers or other packaging that shouldn’t be included in what you charge your customers; something that could previously only be managed on the scale itself.


After you place an item on your connected scale and select it to add to cart, you’ll see an option to Set tare. You can enter the container’s tare weight that will be subtracted from the scale’s measured weight. Once the tare is set, and the item is added, the cart will then display the net weight used to calculate the price.


Note: Tare weight can only be subtracted and cannot exceed the measured weight.


Additionally, the customer’s receipt will also display both the net weight and any applicable tare weight while your inventory will be decreased by net weight only.


We hope this will streamline how you sell items by weight, and speed up checkout for you and your customers.


To learn more see our Help article.


Note: This feature is available to all sellers using Square for Retail and a supported scale. The new cart experience must also be enabled on each of your devices in Settings > Favorites.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 47 of 47