[New] Assign permissions to your newly created team members

Hi Sellers, 🌟


Assigning permissions to your newly created team members just got easier! When creating team members, you will be prompted to see three permission levels when creating new permission sets. You can still configure individual permissions after selecting a starting point. This experience also applies if you create permissions directly in the Permissions page under Staff & Payroll > Team. 


To do so on the Permission screen of team member setup, choose a starting point based on the intended level of access: Standard, Enhanced, and Full. You can adjust permissions later when editing team member profiles.


Standard: includes basic permissions to take transactions at the point of sale. Suitable for many team members such as cashiers, baristas, service providers, and front of house.


Enhanced: includes more advanced permissions such as backing out of a sale, updating inventory, and managing shifts. Appropriate for team members with roles such as shift lead, manager, and front desk.


Full: enables all permissions except managing transfers and bank accounts. Suitable for co-owners, general managers, and other administrative team members.



For more information, check out this support article:

Square Champion

I was able to try that out yesterday when I was creating a new permission set. I still however cannot have managers creating schedules for the team and approving time off requests without also allowing them to see everybody's pay rate. I wish that pay rate could be included in the permission set to allow or disallow. I would like to know that my managers can create team schedules but not necessarily see what everybody's getting paid including other managers.

Square Champion

You wouldn't believe how much easier things have gotten with the latest update! Assigning team permissions is a breeze now – no more jumping through hoops on different dashboard sections. It's all right there, simple and straightforward. And signing up for payroll? Piece of cake! The whole process feels smoother and more efficient, which is a huge relief. It's like a weight off our shoulders!

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