
Can I get rid of the floating add to cart button?

Has anyone else has the add to cart button change? Itโ€™s now a big floating pop up button, I canโ€™t change the colour or anything. It makes it hard to scroll down to the description, plus it looks so pushy! I hate it! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Message 1 of 10

Hey @Bronwenftrips,


Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear you've had trouble with the add to cart button!


I can't say I've ever seen this button behaving in the way you're describing - are you able to post a screenshot? Is it happening across devices (eg mobile and computer) and on different web browsers? Or is it happening in a specific scenario. If you want to share your website URL I'd be happy to see what it looks like on my end, or you could also try delving into things a little deeper with our support team!


You can call support on 1800 760 137 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Melbourne time), or contact us via online chat or email:


1. Sign in to your Square account

2. Head to our contact page https://squareup.com/help/au/en/contact

3. Go to "Other" then "I don't see my issue"

4. Click "Message us" or "Email us"

Square, Australia
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Message 2 of 10

Hi Seamus,

This message is in response to the "Can I get rid of the floating add to cart button" post. As indicated in the post, I too find the button a bit intrusive, as it isn't possible for a potential customer to scroll down and read the description of the product without the button being visible in front of the text. If a user attempts to close the button to either look at the images and description, or in fact choose another price option other than the one automatically chosen, the whole page disappears and goes back to thumbnail view. I much preferred the previous method of display which allowed the user to choose when they selected the 'Add to Cart' option.


I've contacted Square support, and have investigated the advanced options for the button display, but it is not possible to change this option except for replacing it with a 'Buy Now' button, which is of course far more intrusive than the 'Add to Cart' button. Is it at all possible to change these advanced settings so that the option of having the button on the page remains, but without it floating.


In advance, thanks for addressing this issue.


Kind regards,




Message 3 of 10

I've also noticed this change, and I agree: I find it a bit intrusive, particularly given that it isn't possible for a potential customer to scroll down and read the description of the product without the button being visible in front of the text. Also, if a user attempts to close the button to either look at the images and description, or in fact choose another price option other than the one automatically chosen, the whole page disappears and goes back to a thumbnail view. I much preferred the previous method of display which allowed the user to choose when they selected the 'Add to Cart' option.

Message 4 of 10

Hi @artscope,


Are you able to post a screenshot of how this looks, that highlights the issue you're seeing? Is it happening on a computer-based web browser, mobile, or both?

I'd be happy to pass the feedback on to our product team and highlight the specific issue you're seeing.


Square, Australia
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Message 5 of 10

Hi Seamus,

Thanks for your message. The issue happens on mobile devices. Previously the 'Add to Cart' button was on the page, not floating above it. It isn't possible to close the button without closing the page.


Screenshots below:


Message 6 of 10
Square Community Moderator

Hey, @artscope, just jumping in here to let you know we've escalated this feedback to our Ecom and Product Teams.

I'm hoping to receive an update by the end of the week regarding the recent changes to the Add to Cart button, and whether these can be rolled back or amended so that the button doesn't float on the page.

I'll check in again on this thread once I know more. ๐Ÿ‘

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 7 of 10

Thanks Laurie,

It would be great to have the option of it not floating above. Also, as a web user I would expect that if I closed a popup that I would be taken to the page that I'm currently on, not the previous index page, so even if the button behaviour could be amended to do that, that would also be a good outcome.


I appreciate you following this up, and I look forward to your update.

Message 8 of 10
Square Community Moderator

Hi, @artscope, just circling back to this one after hearing from our Ecom Team.

The team has confirmed that the change to the 'Add to Cart' button was initially implemented based on Seller feedback they received over recent years. The reason behind this change was to bring more of an app-like shopping experience to mobile users.

While they cannot share development timelines with us, they've made a note of your feedback here for future updates.

That's all we can share at this time but should we have more to share here in future, we'll be sure to loop you in on this thread! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 9 of 10

Thanks for your efforts with this Laurie. I look forward to future updates.

Message 10 of 10