
Any advice for new sellers ?

Just relaunched my business and I know it's still early but I do want to know how can I attract more buyers. 

Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

Hi Topazrose,


This is always a popular question and what works well for one business may not apply to another.  Start with the basic social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flicker, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps, Google Places for Business and even Yelp - the more you get your name out there the better.  Just having a site does not mean customers but, the more ways someone can find you will make a difference.  Creating a video about your business or blogging can be helpful.  Even advertising in your local paper may promote sales.  Even cross selling via other sites like Etsy may increase interest even if just list a few items.   And spread the word via friends and family as word of mouth is very effective and free.

Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

Hi Topazrose

I agree with @JK_Fiber_Art but I'd like to add that during this time of year there are loads of bazaar shows being held.  Join a local community FB group that advertise these events or maybe even call around to your local churches and see if they have any going on.  Google local bazaars or craft shows and see what comes up.  It's all about getting your product out there into the hands or eye path of your future customers.  Hope this helps and good luck on your relaunch.

Jacqueline Mull
Owner of Jackie's Uniquely U Boutique
Owner of Uniquely U Anime

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