Beta Member

Can you remove the auto-populated address suggestions and allow customers to type whatever they want

I attempted to make a quick purchase from my own website and neither my personal home address or business address which is stored as my physical address is accepted at checkout. How can we remove the auto-populated address suggestions at checkout? None of the addresses I selected that are auto-populated are accepted as a valid address either. Since Google is the standard address validation source, can we offer other options to validate an actual address? I'm frustrated and I think this is why I haven't gotten the sales I thought I would have by now. Only 2 customers contacted me privately to tell me that at checkout their typed addresses were not accepted.😭



Message 1 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Sorry to hear about the frustrating experience @puritykingdom78


It doesn't look like the auto populated suggestions can be turned off at this time. I'll pass this feedback on to our Square Online team, as I can see how frustrating it would be to miss out on sales due to this. Hopefully @AdamB can share some more insight here, too. 

Message 2 of 5

Sorry to hear you've having some trouble, @puritykingdom78. I did a bit of testing and noticed that it accepted the address of your business with some items and not others. For example, it was fine with a t-shirt but didn't work with the long sleeve holiday shirt. After looking at your various shipping profiles, I noticed that the long sleeve shirt wasn't added to the t-shirt shipping profile, so there aren't any rates to use. When that happens, we display a message saying that the order can't be shipped to that address (this allows you to selectively prevent people from ordering in areas you don't want to ship to).


Can you try again, and if you get the error check to see if the item was added to any of your shipping profiles?

Seller Community, Platform
Message 3 of 5
Beta Member

Wow, thank you AdamB. That makes sense now. I was just attempting to buy a notebook and because there was no shipping cost associated then it made sense why it showed the message. Okay, I will order at least 2 items to be able to get the shipping and I will address the long sleeve shirt problem as well. 

Message 4 of 5

No problem! You might want to create a free-shipping profile and add items to that as well as set up a fall-back profile (create a new profile, select default so it applies to all items not added to a custom profile).

Seller Community, Platform
Message 5 of 5