
Why is the Square Register being slow to complete transactions including Cash?

Since the last update (a few days ago, I believe), my Square register is slow on all forms of payment--even cash!!! It spins for around 5 seconds when I put in the amount of cash they gave me, and then there is a delay with the cash drawer opening too. Card dips & taps seem to be taking longer too, as usually it's almost instantly beeping as soon as they put the card in, but for CASH payments to be taking that long? What the heck? That doesn't need to connect to any other third party service, so what's the hold up?


One of the card payments took so long, and I had to retry multiple times, that it ended up charging the customer twice (I discovered that later in Dashboard). Thankfully, it was a person I know, so I was able to message them & let them know about the mix up and refunded the duplicate charge. This can not be happening as we go into the holiday season! And, there were no internet issues on my end, either.


The title of this post has been edited from the original: Re: Why Does Square Freeze when Customers Use Tap to Pay?

Message 1 of 13
Beta Member

Oh no!  I just saw another update today and need to install that before the weekend.  I hope that is not a new issue with the new update.  It is not helpful if an update causes more problems than it fixes.

Message 2 of 13
Square Community Moderator

Hello there @llij96 I would like to take a closer look at your report. Would you mind sharing a video here of the current behavior you are experiencing?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 3 of 13

That's going to be hard to do, as I'd have to wait until I know how the customer is paying, grab my phone before I tap the amount they gave me, and be ready to record it. It's really not much to see... I tap the $ amount, and Square Register does the spin like it's a card processing, then a checkmark comes up & it says "approved" (which makes no sense for a cash payment) and the change amount is displayed in blue bar at top of that approved box. It pauses there and takes 2-3 seconds for the cash drawer to open, and the normal screen that shows the change you owe them to pop up. Hopefully that description helps.


In addition, there are times when card payments are just spinning & spinning, and I have to retry. Sometimes it works, and sometimes, I have to cancel the payment & try again.


All of this seems to stem from an update done last week (around beginning of month) that now requires me to enter my passcode first thing in the morning. I guess this logs me in, but I don't remember ever having to do that since using Square Register. And, I've never had any issues with not being logged in (not sure how it would talk to my dashboard if not logged in?????). I really noticed the change, because on the passcode screen, it shows my logo that I have on the customer screen very large, which it had never done before.

Message 4 of 13

I lucked out and remembered when a friend was checking out to grab a video... However, can't figure out how to upload it here. When I click the insert video button, it only allows me to add one from the web, with a URL. Help?

Message 5 of 13

@JJ_ see videos posted by @mj111182 on thread titled "Processing delays on Square Register". It seems I'm not the only one with this issue.

Message 6 of 13
Beta Member

Do they have a fix in process?  This is becoming more annoying as it continues to happen every day.

Message 7 of 13
Square Community Moderator

I can confirm that our team is actively working on optimizing the checkout flow. We will post updates on the progress as soon as they become available.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 13

Thank you @JJ_ . I had a cash transaction today where it just spun & spun trying to "approve" it. Finally, it came up & said "Network Error" but my internet was working fine on all my other devices. So, I tapped Retry & after a minute or so, it said approved & the cash drawer opened. HOWEVER, then, I went into Dashboard to add the customer to the transaction, and IT WASN'T THERE! Then I checked on the POS, and it wasn't there either! I refreshed Dashboard in the browser, and Transactions on the POS, and there was no change. So, I wrote down all the details if I needed to reprocess (thank goodness I remembered). Then, I walked away from it for about 5 min. When I came back, I checked again, and now it showed in browser & POS. That was nerve-wracking! This has me very nervous about the holidays... 

Message 9 of 13
Square Community Moderator

We are aware of a disruption currently causing delays in the reporting of transactions and other reports. You can follow up with the updates here: issquareup.com @llij96 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 10 of 13

I’m still having this issue. Sucks so bad. 

Message 11 of 13
Square Community Moderator

Hello, @SlangingTacos


We are very sorry to hear that you're still experiencing this issue. We understand how frustrating it can be, and we genuinely appreciate your patience. Your cooperation is crucial in assisting us to provide a solution as quickly as possible for your account. 

We recommend giving our Support Team a call so they can take a closer look with you and possibly file a Support Ticket for our engineers.


Thank you for your understanding.

Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 12 of 13

@SlangingTacos I know, it is painful. You're not the only one (see thread https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Square-Register/USB-Cash-Drawer-opens-after-slight-delay/m-p/6921...). I don't know if it's worth it to contact support as @sayra mentioned. It's clear on the other thread that Square knows it's a problem, is working on it, but it's not happening fast. On the other hand, I wonder if enough of us flooded support w/ complaints about this if it would escalate it. They don't seem to be in a hurry, and it's concerning for us going into the holiday season. Thinking about pulling the old ipad stand back out (we currently use Square Register).

Message 13 of 13