
Are you leaving Square because of their elimination of "Tip Pooling by Pay Period?"

Hello Square,


I am wondering if there is an update on tip pooling for all employees across pay periods. As mentioned previously, this is the "make or break" option for our business continuing to use the Square platform. Our business is able manage all other challenges, but this directly affects the pay of our employees & is unacceptable. To reiterate: our retail open hours are just four days a week, however our staff work all seven (production, etc). We share pooled tips among all staff in all departments of our bakery (back & front of house staff). This is an option that has been offered by Square since we began accepting tips, and it is the model our staff & business views as the most equitable & is the method we will continue to use. I remain puzzled by the "why" behind its removal as an option, and believe many other businesses feel similarly. The importance of fair distribution of tip wages, as well as job satisfaction & retention of staff is more important than ever in this challenging time for the industry. 


I appreciate the extension through March 2022, however that is merely delaying the inevitable. I am hopeful that the option for Square Payroll customers to pool and split tips by pay period will remain an option for our small business, and for all the behind the scenes hourly employees that this change will so seriously effect.


This issue is critical. I am open to discussing directly the retention of our business services with Square (incl. website, cc processing, register hardware, payroll services, square capital, integrated insurance, etc.) should you desire. Otherwise, where shall our business go...and grow?





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