Beta Member

Make Applied Discounts More Visible in Checkout

It would be nice to have more visibility into discounts that are currently applied to items during checkout. Right now they are hidden inside the item itself, so you have to click to see what discounts are applying to the item, whether it's at the item level or a cart discount. We've had a couple scenarios happen below that our employees have done by mistake, and have cost us money on transactions:


  • Applied a cart discount when they meant to apply the discount to one item
    • Is there any way that when someone applies a cart discount for it to warn that the discount will be applied to the entire cart?
  • Applied multiple discounts to an item (sometimes a sale item and a cart discount is also applied, even though the cart discount shouldn't be applied to the sale item)
    • It would be nice to see all discounts that are applied to an item just by looking at the checkout screen, without having to click every item in the transaction to see what is applied


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You bring up some really great points, @mike109! And thank you for sharing those scenarios. It helps paint a picture for our product team when they see these types of feature requests and why they would be beneficial. 


I checked to see if there are any upcoming plans to make discounts more visible in the checkout process, but I wasn't able to find any information to share.


I'll pass this along to our team, though. Thanks again for sharing and we'll keep you updated if any discount visibility changes come along!

Beta Community Manager, Square
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