
Contactless reader defective? square recall or replacement? Not charging!! One blinking red light.

My contactless square reader has worked fine the past couple months.  It stays plugged into the square dock I purchased with it. 


The past week or two, I've noticed the "one blinking red light, indicating  Battery is low and charge immediately" (per square FAQ).  The first time I removed from the dock, thinking it was my charger and hooked up with a differen't usb charger.  It seemed fine for a few days...until...Then this week i'm back to the "one blinking red light, indicating Battery is low and charge immediately" again.... This time I removed it from the square dock and plugged it into a different a/c plug with the provided square cable directly into the contactless reader and yet another spare iphone a/c usb wall plug.  No go..


ANYONE, know if square has problems with these contactless readers, I am certainly having problems with mine, by design it should NEVER need removed from the charging dock since that in theory is providing power to it whenever needed.  This is not the case with mine.  So i'm back to the "one blinking red light, indicating  Battery is low and charge immediately" again.  


I am a trouble shooter by nature and have tried everything I can think of, I'm hoping square see's this and provides me some insight.  I would gladly exchange from another contactless reader and dock if they think I just got a dud, providing they pickup the s&h both ways....


Frustrated long time square cutomer in the Midwest....


Message 1 of 5

That's no good! We aren't seeing any issues with the contactless reader and it sounds like you've done everything right! It could something wrong with your individual reader, which we would be happy to replace (including s&h).


For a full list of troubleshooting tips, check out this post. If none of those tips help you can start the warranty process and we can get you a new reader! 

Message 2 of 5

Ok thanks for your reply.  I just hate having things I pay for that don't work properly.  I would appreciate taking you up on your offer.  Please advise as to how, so we can make it so.  

Message 3 of 5

@ANDSW - Agreed. 😕  Just head to this site to start the warranty process. 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 4 of 5

I am having this same issue. I even got another chip reader and it worked fine for a month or so and then went back to the blinking red light. I have followed all the tips on the troubleshooting page to no avail. I am going to switch to the other stand that I have available to see if that helps but I'm currently also very frustrated. 

Message 5 of 5