
How do I get the email address I use to buy things to work as a new employee of a Square vendor?

I am a new employee of a Square vendor. She sent the email to accept payments to my email. When I click the link, it tells me to sign up. When I try to sign up, it says my email is already in use (because I use it to get receipts emailed to me). It asked me to log in. I logged in and filled out the questions, but now I have a vendor account separate from hers instead of being linked to the vendor who sent the email. 


Which means I now now also have all her proceeds from the day in the interwebs somewhere and I can't connect to her vendor account. Can anyone help? Thank you!

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Sorry to hear about that confusion. To accept payments as an employee using this email address, you will need to first deactivate your previously created account from your online Square Dashboard to free up your email to accept your request.


Once you have deactivated your account, have your employee resend your invite and you'll be all set! If you run into any trouble check out this thread to get ahold of our Support Team. 

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