
New items no longer appearing

This has happened before, but the problem seemed to go away. Over the past couple of days, new items I created did not appear after I had entered all the information and saved them. The interface is cumbersome when it's working, but when I'm searching through my large inventory for a new item so I can find out its URL and move it to the top of the showroom display, and it's nowhere to be found, I become quite frustrated. (In the old interface, once you created an item, you immediately saw its URL right in the same screen.)

Have I reached some limit I didn't know about on how many items I can list with Square?

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@AlanCring I'm very sorry for the frustration this is causing! The steps to see the URL for a specific item have changed and are as follows:  

  1. Navigate to the Site Editor in your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click View Store > then click a specific item.
  3. Copy the URL from the browser navigation bar and provide it to your customers.

I'm not sure why the items you're adding aren't appearing though! There isn't a hard limit on the number of items you can add so I recommend switching to a supported browser like Chrome or Firefox to add items.  


You can also search for items from your Dashboard to confirm it has been added: From your Dashboard click Items and you'll see the search bar towards the top of the screen. (If you have lots and lots of items this might be useful!


If your new items still aren't appearing please call our Support team so we can investigate this further.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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