Beta Member

Problem with orders on KDS

Here is what keeps happening...  We are using Square KDS in expediter mode, small font, rail format. When a single order comes in that is more than than five tiles (so it wont all fit on one screen), any part of the order on the second page is not accessible. I don't know if this makes sense.  If I try to scroll the screen to a second page, it just flips back to the first page. But, if another order comes in, it fixes the problem. So we have resorted to putting in a 'fake' order for something just so that it opens up the second page. 

Anyone else having this issue?


Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

@capsicum I have not had this problem, but it is because I go crazy with super long order tickets!  I have a best practice that we use to help our staff make orders properly.


We train our cashiers to do a "tray total" or "bag total" using open tickets.  Currently with everything working correctly our cashier uses the following flow:


1.  Ring up no more that 2 combos / plates (i.e. burger, fries, drink or special of the day, drink, & dessert).

2.  Hit Save Ticket and add Name to ticket (i.e. Group Carla)

3.  Ring up next person/seat/tray..hit save ticket and hit the group carla ticket.

4.  When order is done, cashier pulls up saved ticket and cashes out ticket.


This allows our kitchen to get a steady stream of tickets to work on.  It improves the flow because: 1.  We are not waiting on the big ticket to come back.  2.  We are not smart and it is easier to remember what comes on 1 sandwich versus 20.


We know the group designation means that all of these items go together and are for Carla.

It also gives you a nice neat row of tickets.  I use tiled tickets, but here it is with your set up:



If you are not using open tickets, you can enable them under the settings menu on your tablet.  I just find this is the cleanest way to have tickets displayed with those big long orders, or multiple people under 1 check.


I would also make sure you are updated to the latest version of the app through the app store.  Occasionally it won't update and you gotta nudge it along.


I hope this helps!



Multi-Unit Manager
Order Up Cafe/Tombras Cafe/Riverview Cafe/City County Cafe
Roddy Vending Company, Inc.

Using Square since July, 2017
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Message 2 of 4
Beta Member

This is not an option when it comes to online orders.

Message 3 of 4

If this is not working well for you, we'd advise you change to a 5x1 or 4x1 layout instead of using the rail or tile layouts.
It will require that you scroll longer tickets, but will at least allow you to access the full ticket, @capsicum.

I hope this helps!

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