
Product pictures

When we go to the site and view the product pictures they don't fully scroll over when clicking to a different picture of that product.  So each product has several pictures.  When you started to scroll through the pictures they don't fully move to the next.  They are cut off with part of the previous picture still showing.  It would let me attach a picture. 

Message 1 of 2

HI, you would need to adjust Image Shape in a couple of places within the Editor.


Online Dashboard, Website, Edit Site, upper left click Page: Home down arrow,


1) Shop All, select Item List, select Item Images, select proper Shape, Done


2) Page: Shop All down arrow, scroll down to Item Pages, select ANY one of the items listed, select Item Details, Image Gallery, select proper shape (to match shape previously selected), Done


3) Page: (whatever item you selected previously) down arrow, select Home, **if you have Featured Items on the Home page**, Content, Item Images, select proper shape (to match previously selected), Done


Once all these are set to "fit" images will appear correctly.





page home down arrow.png


shop all.png


image shape.png


Example of how adjusting will properly display images

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 1.26.01 PM.png

 After adjusting for a proper shape

2.3 image shape.png


Hope This Helps!
Message 2 of 2