
Square for Retail: Saved carts will not always respect adjustments made to item prices

BUG FIX REQUEST: When using the Square for Retail app, the saved carts will not always respect adjustments made to item prices. If I adust the price of an item using the "Adjust Price" link/feature and then save the cart, the price of the item will revert back to the unadjusted price next time I open that saved cart. Oddly, when I recall the list of saved carts—but before actually tapping and opening a saved cart—the total for that cart in the list of carts does reflect the adjusted price. But when I actually tap and load that saved cart, the price adjustment vanishes… Please fix this so that saved carts preserve price adjustments made using the "Adjust Price" feature not just in the list of saved carts, but when actually opening/using a saved cart. There are lots of situations where I'd want to discount an item using "Adjust Price": I've worked out a unique discount with a customer for whatever reason, or an item has an outdated price tag that's less then the current item price and I want to honor that outdated price, or I'm selling items to staff at cost and adjust prices acccordingly. The cart should save those adjusted prices and not revert to the set item price as soon as the saved cart is opened.


Note that discounts applied to either individual items or to the whole cart using pre-definied discount switches seem to get preserved, but as I noted above, there are many scenarios where you really want to preserve one-off adjusted prices instead of just applying predefined discounts.

Message 1 of 4

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Way to adjust item prices on invoices?


Using the invoices feature with Square for Retail, is there no way to adjust individual item prices on an invoice? In other words, a way on invoices to do the same thing you do at the POS with the "Adjust Price" feature that appear when you tap on individual items in the checkout list? I know you can apply discounts in various ways, but I want to adjust item prices. Any way to do that?

Message 2 of 4

Hey @pfs-rwc, thanks for taking the time to flag this. Sorry to hear about the confusion this is causing at checkout—that does sound a bit strange. Before I escalate this to our Customer Success Team for a closer look, can you confirm that you're running the latest version of the app? In addition, please try force quitting and deleting/reinstalling the app if the issue continues. Those usually resolve any unexpected behavior right away. I'll keep watch for your reply.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 3 of 4

Hi there, I'm wondering if this was ever resolved for you - saved carts not respecting the adjusted prices as entered initially... I just completed a huge tent sale and using the 'save cart' feature was great until my customers started to notice that we weren't giving them the correct prices on their sales. I need to know if my app is out of date or if there is some other easy way to correct this crazy frustrating issue! Thanks.

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