
What happens if I cancel my Payroll subscription? Can I reactivate it?

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Re-activating Payroll not possible : must open entirely new Square account]


Over the winter I went several months with no employee, so I canceled the Payroll part of of my subscription. I had to hire someone to help me this month, so wanted to reactivate Payroll. I was just told that it is not possible to add Payroll back to my account, and that if I want to use this service I must open an entirely new Square account. I won't be hiring someone again until after the Covid-19 crisis passes, so I don't want to set up a Payroll account only to have to cancel it after a month. I also don't want to pay $29 a month for a service that I don't need. And most importantly, I don't want to have to manage two Square accounts - can I even do this with a single email address? Probably not, and the whole point of using Square is to streamline this part of managing my small business. This is incredibly disappointing. 

Message 1 of 13
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hey @echococo-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community. 


At this time, there’s no way to reactivate the Square Payroll service on a Square account once it has been cancelled. 


From your post, it sounds like you cancelled your Payroll services. If you’d like to continue using Square Payroll, you’ll need to create a new Square account associated with a different email address by going to www.squareup.com/payroll and click on Get Started. You’ll want to make sure you’re signed out of your current account’s Square Dashboard before signing up. You’ll still be able to use your current Square Point of Sale account for processing payments and your payroll records will remain on your current Dashboard for your records.


Please let me know if you have any other questions, and sorry for any inconvenience this has caused 😞.

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Message 2 of 13

Best Answer

Hey @echococo-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community. 


At this time, there’s no way to reactivate the Square Payroll service on a Square account once it has been cancelled. 


From your post, it sounds like you cancelled your Payroll services. If you’d like to continue using Square Payroll, you’ll need to create a new Square account associated with a different email address by going to www.squareup.com/payroll and click on Get Started. You’ll want to make sure you’re signed out of your current account’s Square Dashboard before signing up. You’ll still be able to use your current Square Point of Sale account for processing payments and your payroll records will remain on your current Dashboard for your records.


Please let me know if you have any other questions, and sorry for any inconvenience this has caused 😞.

Message 2 of 13

Yes, I figured that out with the help of customer service. I decided to use a different service. I did cancel my payroll service because I went the first half of this year with no employees and did not want to pay $29 per month for a service I was not using. Now, unfortunately, even though I had canceled payroll service, I was still able to add an employee, so I did so and had her use the Square time clock over the last two weeks. I lost valuable time to look for an alternative to Square Payroll since I thought I'd be able to get my Square payroll re-activated. If Square Payroll is canceled, it should not allow a business owner to continue using that tool to record new hours and new hires.



Message 3 of 13

can you please tell me who you decided to go with after square for payroll? i am having the same issue and i cant seem to find a reliable resource for payroll

Message 4 of 13
Beta Member

same here!  I canceled mine last Summer when I didn't need it and now I am adding employees again.  I am leaning towards doing it all myself and saving my money for the time being.

Message 5 of 13
Beta Member

Any updates from the corporate on if they plan to allow us to pay them money for payroll services yet?  This is the most insane policy ever and they should update it, let us back in to our payroll accounts, and take our money like they should. 

Message 6 of 13
Square Community Moderator

Hi @tiffanyebenson - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community. Sorry to hear of your frustration behind this Payroll issue.

I don't believe there has been any recent updates to this but I recommend reaching out to our Payroll Support Team directly for confirmation and any further assistance, if you happen to need it at this time. 


If you'd like to speak with our Support Team by phone, you can give us a call at 855-700-6000 between 6am-6pm Pacific Time Monday-Friday. If you call outside of these hours, you will be required to enter your Customer Code to validate your account.


You can also get in touch with our Messaging and Email Support Teams here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 13
Beta Member

I wish it would have had a pop up that said, "hey you can never re-start this and it's a huge pain in the ass, are you sure you want to quit?"

Message 8 of 13



i used to use square payroll with my existing account. I stopped and used another payroll company but i still maintained using square for my business. 


i want to see about processing my payroll again using my existing account.


can my payroll be turned on / reinstated again?

Message 9 of 13
Square Community Moderator

@chomp Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Seller Community! I've merged your post with an existing thread that should help answer your questions. 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 10 of 13
Beta Member

It's absolutely ridiculous that Square has decided to permanently delete people.  Like we all just kept our payroll when we were closed for the pandemic.  SMH. Hey Administrators on this thread, how to do we get Square to decide to allow us to give them money for services again?  Can we get this fixed? 

Message 11 of 13

Has there been any update to this topic?  Is square payroll that has been canceled on my account able to be reinstated ?

Message 12 of 13
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @eva901


At this time, cancelling Square Payroll is still irreversible, and you can check out this article that goes over managing the Square Payroll subscription. 

If you previously closed a Square Payroll account and wish to return, you’ll need to open a new Square Payroll account. You can then sign up for Square Payroll under the new account with a different email address.

If you’re also using Square to process payments and wish to transition your existing account information to the new Square account, contact our team.


Hope this helps!

Message 13 of 13