
Booking Times Don't Match Times of Scheduled Appointments

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "Booking times dont match with my scheduled appointments"


So I've been testing my booking through Instagram and if I book out 3 hours worth of services, it doesn't schedule me enough time before my next service. For example, I have a service at 4, so if someone wants to book a 3 hour service before that, it should be giving me the option to book at 1, instead it only gives the option to book at 1:30 or even 2:45! What am I doing wrong? I've tried messing with the option to block out time after the service or the increments at which customers can book, but nothing changes it. I guess I never had this problem before because I scheduled all my own appts with Square, but now I'm trying online booking and this is what it's doing. If it helps, it doesn't matter which appointments I try, any different configuration of appointments never leaves me enough time until my next one. 

Message 1 of 7
Square Champion

The only thing I can think of is maybe your time zones are off between Instagram and Square? Did you change any of those settings on either account? The other thing to consider is when was the last time you synced the two? It might be beneficial to unsync and then redo the connection between Square and Instagram?

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

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Message 2 of 7

Okay, so I think you're right. I made an appointment and selected a 2:45 time slot, but then when it sent me the text to confirm the appointment, it said it was for 12:45! And I looked on my calender and the pending appt was for 12:45. So I figured out how to change my location in Instagram, I don't have a VPN on, I changed my business location on Square last night, I logged out and in of Insta and Square. I think the only thing left I can try is unlinking my book now button? It said something about the customer's location when I went into the appt confirmation screen and I really can't think for the life of me why or where my timezone would be different?? I guess it doesn't really matter if it's just a weird thing happening to me personally when I go to test out booking, but I don't want it to confuse potential clients if it's happening to them.

Message 3 of 7

So now I managed to change all my time zones everywhere but NOW it won't re add the book now button! 🙃  when I try to connect it it just spins for forever and never does anything. 

Message 4 of 7
Square Champion

Were you able to get it all squared away now? Perchance the two platforms needed a day to reset their brains before moving forward? 

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

Visit My Website - JP Style & Solutions
Check out the magic on Instagram - @JESS.POYNTER
Make an impact on Facebook - @JPSTYLESOLUTIONS
Message 5 of 7

I did! It was my location's timezone was set wrong! Man, what a struggle!

Message 6 of 7
Square Champion

Oh I’m so glad it all worked out! Yay! 

I think I found you on Instagram and your work is BEAUTIFUL! Keep it up!! 

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

Visit My Website - JP Style & Solutions
Check out the magic on Instagram - @JESS.POYNTER
Make an impact on Facebook - @JPSTYLESOLUTIONS
Message 7 of 7