
Changing the name on a booked appointment

Customer 1 has standing appointments every Tuesday for a month.  Customer 1 needs to cancel only the next one on Tuesday as something came up.  Customer 2 wants to take that appointment.  I go in to the appointment and change the name from Customer 1 to Customer 2. The problem is it now changes ALL the standing appointments Customer 1 has set up to Customer 2. 

I'm told by Support that when changing the name in the appointment itself, it brings you into the customer profile thereby changing Customer 1 to Customer 2.  I have racked my brain to try and figure out the logic in this and I have yet to figure it out.  It is dangerous that it sends you to Customers instead of just changing the appointment.  And, yes, this did happen to me.  I didn't want to delete the existing Customer 1 appointment, then input the information for Customer 2 as another customer could book that open time slot. 

Can anyone come up with a good reason this should not be fixed?

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