
Can I install Star Micronics Kitchen Buzzer/Ticket Alarm (BU01-24-A)?

Can I install Star Micronics Kitchen Buzzer/Ticket Alarm (BU01-24-A)?

I am using Star Micronics TSP100 (LAN) for my restaurant. I just purchased a kitchen buzzer but not sure how to get it to work with Square POS. Does anyone here know how to configure the printer to activate the buzzer upon receiving new kitchen ticket? Thank you.

Beta Member

@_Violet This is seriously as simple as sending a one character code to the printer. I have literally picked up the printer, carried it over to my desk and downloaded the sample app from Star to test this and get it working. It took me less than 15 minutes. I have no idea how this can take 3 years for your team.


I think that Square needs to actually spend some time in a kitchen to understand what everyone is talking about.


The alert or notification on the POS is not enough. This does not tell a cook - who may be 60 feet away - that a small piece of paper has silently scrolled up on their printer. You can literally be 4 feet away and not know that anything has happened.


PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION. Put a checkmark in the app to "Send open drawer character to printer after printing ticket" and then let us choose to enable that feature. Mark it as experimental. Make it something that we have to opt in on. Give a warning. Whatever you need to do to add this feature in and sleep well at night. This is not a hard thing to do and you've spent countless hours on other features that have added less value to our days.


We cannot stress enough how hard it is to please customers these days. We are in a jurisdiction with continued COVID-19 restrictions and our table service is closed. We rely on takeout, and when a customer places an order the kitchen needs to know.

Because you have not put the effort into this feature the result is that restaurants are building workarounds. We have trained our staff to not exit the POS app, to routinely check for missed alerts, effectively rendering the other uses of our iPad hard to use. Our cooks put down what they are doing every 3-5 minutes to pop over and look at the printer. While each instance is only a few seconds, doing it hundreds of times a day and every day of the year adds up to real labor costs and, if missed, significant inconvenience to our guests.


A missed order in this climate can equate to a bad review, bad word of mouth and a lost customer. Please address this.

Beta Member

This issue should not be marked as solved.

Can I get a audible alert when a online order comes in on the pos?

Square Community Moderator

Hi @kalegiesbrecht - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other sellers have asked similar questions. Please see the post at the top of this thread marked Best Answer, provided by me 🙂

I hope this information is helpful but please do let us know if you have any additional questions.

Thanks for posting this. I was also able to do this successfully using the software from your dropbox account. My printer is using a wireless to LAN converter and I was able to find it in the app to write to it with no issues. The only thing I had to change in addition to what you specified was memory switch 9, bit 1, I changed to OFF. This was because the setting was set to "Buzzer Drive: 2" and I suspect that only works if you have an SP700 series printer with more than one RJ11 port. Changing the bit to off sets it to "Buzzer Drive: 1" which is the only RJ11 port I had on the printer. I did have some connection problems after that but a few resets of my LAN to wireless unit and the printer resolved it. Thanks alot for this.

Beta Member

This is NOT helpful for anyone. The chime you're talking about is a little twirp on the iPad in the front of house. A kitchen buzzer is in the kitchen, where the orders need to be made. We don't need alarms going off in the front of house, we want kitchen staff knowing when they need to jump on line.


Has no one from Square ever worked in a kitchen?

It’s 2023 and still no solution??? Why was this thread marked as solved??

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open

Hey there @Nicholasjames I appreciate you reaching out and noting this has been unresolved. I did move this entire thread over to our Ideate Board, our new process of tracking feature requests. Our team can track the request and provide updates there. I know waiting for something to be built out isn't ideal and appreciate your patience. While we don’t have a solution right now for this I hope our other products and features will make you continue to stay with Square. If you need anything else feel free to reach back out.

It's September 26, 2023. This post/request has been going on since 2017 and the option for a kitchen buzzer has not been implemented in the system. This is ridiculous!!! I am thinking of going with another POS Service. The kitchen buzzer is detrimental to our busy operations. Fix this Sqaure. We get more Online orders now since Covid. Keep up with your customers needs as we do for ours and our staff. @Everyone

We need the buzzer