
Feature Request: Option to Create Invoice with Zero Balance

Feature Request: Option to Create Invoice with Zero Balance

Because I use square to track my inventory, I need to be able to create an invoice that has a zero balance (for a few reasons).  First, if I am donating product, I need to track that through square. I also want a hard copy record of this donations.  Secondly, if I do a product trade with someone, I want to indicate that on my invoice (again to track my inventory). When I have done this, square tells me that inovices need to be at least $1.  WHY???


I would like to see the $0 donation invoices be added as we do a ton of charity work and they require detailed invoices of our services we provided. Please check these requests as this has been requested since 2017!!!!! I may have to move to another platform soon as we do these donations yearly. Thank you!

Beta Member

This is important mainly to give customers receipts with line items explaining what was done. Sometimes services are rendered for free, I can't make the amount $0 or even discount it at 100%.


I'm forced to charge $0.01¢ and then mark as paid. 




As mentioned, it's more for record keeping knowing what was done and to keep it all in once place. It's a no-brainer feature that can be applied. This has been a discussion for over 7 years. On countless threads.




Get on it Product Team! Best part it's not even a UI change. It's all backend. Figure it out, lots of people will be happy.



@heretosayhello absolutely!! I can’t believe this is still a thing! It’s got to be one of the easiest fixes, coding-wise.


I wish they’d just tell us why they aren’t doing it.  Or why it’s there in the first place.

Beta Member

Came back here to see how this feature was coming along.


Reasons to make this happen asap...

1. record keeping - keeping detailed records of all services and discounts (at 100%) we've provided to customers or mission partners. This information is extremely valuable to our nonprofit retail operation.

2. Audit trail- nonprofits are fishbowl businesses, staying transparent and compliant is a huge deal. Keeping this information in the same platform as the other sales records keeps the workflow more simple.

3. Customer History - we would have better records of precedents set with certain customers or customer groups. Customers (or mission partners) who have enjoyed free services or 100% discounts on products will be communicated with differently than customers who have always paid full price. 

4. Customer appreciation - when we do a job for a customer or mission partner and can't demonstrate everything that went in to fulfillment, because we can't leave a zero balance, we are selling ourselves and our specialized work short. Services that go unrecognized devalue our offerings. Of course we can make a zero-balance invoice in excel, but now we've added yet another workflow to accommodate a very simple improvement on Square's end. 

5. Financial Planning - this is a big one. We always have to be strategic about the customers we offer free services to and the total amount of giveaways and waived fees we offer throughout the year. Keeping these records with the others Square provides is going to allow us to monitor this function as we go without adding an entire other workflow to track this data. 

Beta Member

Jumping on this thread to also request this feature. I want to create an invoice for a 100% discounted product for a sample to be shipped and attach a wholesale contract as well as other attachments. This starts all my wholesale customers on the Square invoices platform instead of using a workaround. 

Bumping this feature request too!

2024 and we still can't do this??? We're trying to send an invoice for an in-kind donation of services to a charity. Absurd!

Beta Member

Im convinced they have 1 guy in the basement that works on app improvements. Nothing ever seems to get done. So many features that we should have by now. I even pay for the premium on top of what they make on the processing so its not like im asking something for nothing. 

Square clearly doesn't care about providing a solid Point-of-Sale solution for merchants. Some of these known bugs and requested fixes are close to a decade old (that's like a hundred years in the tech industry). Yet no solutions or improvements ever appear to be on the horizon.


But Square sure seems to have a HUGE budget for pushing social justice issues. I think that's really their core business goal. 😒