
Is the Square Loan department backed up or am I just not eligible for a new loan?

I'm at 97% paid off on my loan but I have yet to receive a notice that I can apply for a new loan. In the past its happened when I was at only 80%. I really need another loan to purchase supplies for my upcoming Holiday market shows. I'm stressing. Is the Loan department backed up or should I start looking elsewhere for loan options? Is anyone else having this issue? 

Message 1 of 9
Square Champion

There isn't a specific time or percentage that you will get a Capital offer. Every signal offer is individual to each account.  

Message 2 of 9

Start looking for another lender. Square Capital has seemingly stopped offering loans just as quickly AND as quietly as they started. While some users report new offers after months of satisfying previous loans, many others haven’t gotten offers at all. We’ve competed two successful loans with Square and haven’t received a new offer. Despite a MAJOR INCREASE in processing with square and an even mix of old and new customers still: NOTHING. While we as retailers realize square isn’t obligated to give us anything, I think we all feel lured in with the ease and speed  of the Capital Program to keep us onboard, only to abandon is when we’ve become somewhat dependent on them. The biggest frustration is Square’s “Dont call us, we will call you, IF we want to offer you a loan”. 

Message 3 of 9

Hi @Bwsweets


I would like to clarify that the Square Capital program is still extending offers. While customer mix and processing volume are considered, there are many other factors that are reviewed. At this time, we are not able to share details about the process because it is proprietary . 


I understand that waiting can be frustrating and will raise your concerns with the rest of the Capital team. 

Message 4 of 9

I have heard (as we all have) regarding that some business owners are receiving offers. The problem that we all have is that Sauare “baited” us on a program with ambiguous criteria and continued to give us loans when loans were all most completed.  Now, abruptly and without warning, the offers have stopped to the masses. And at such a crucial time for small businesses (Holiday season), when capital is needed for inventory, working capital and so many more things!  And to be told basically “Don’t call us, we will call you”, is a bit of a slap in the face. Especially since most of us retailers have stayed with Square SOLEY because of the capital program. We ALL understand the Square is under NO OBLIGATION to give us anything, but it sure stings to have the program “change” when we need it the most. Now, we are left scrambling trying to find other capital at the busiest time of the year! 

Message 5 of 9

I’m curious to who’s received offers; I️ was offered 3 last year, and only 1 this year, after meeting the new customers, increased sales, etc; truly think we relied on them; so I’m not sure what has changed, maybe they’ve grown and can’t extend either currently; I️ think my frustration is no clear answers; with me using Square since inception; recommending startups use is well; Obviously feel entitled to more, but business must go on; I’m sure either I’ll look up and it will be there or it won’t; just don’t wanna stress it anymore. Good luck to you! 

Message 6 of 9

I am 90 percent paid on my 4th loan, I am processing more frequently and higher amounts then ever before with square.  Yet I am still not getting offered a new loan?  I understand that everyone is different and it isnt a percentage but I would think if I am processing 2-4 thousand dollars weekly I would be offered a new loan since I have paid off the 4th loan now almost completely.  Is there something that could prevent me from being offered another loan?  I did process a much higher check for a wedding but I sent an invoice in with the processing so it wouldnt get flagged. 

Message 7 of 9

Yes very frustrating the loan I'm waiting for now is literally the only time I've really needed the money for business needs I'm 95% paid off usually it was 75% when they would make a new offer so yeah I'm perplexed to say the least I'm wondering if their experiencing a mass of business closures and people defaulting on square loans and maybe their (Square) lenders are nervous about more defaults due to shutdowns and companies going out of business abruptly 

Message 8 of 9

Think Positive, Operate like you have it already, it will show up. Law of attraction is real, good luck

Message 9 of 9